Examples of First Nations child in a sentence
B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union, 2010 SCC 45 (NIL/TU,O), to argue that child welfare services are a matter within provincial jurisdiction and that it only became involved in First Nations child and family services as a matter of social policy under its spending power.
First, the Tribunal’s ruling is remarkable in being the first decision to hold the federal government fully accountable for the significant role it plays in First Nations child welfare.
As seen in Part II, provincial comparability, where we see the federal government imposing both provincial substantive norms and funding schemes to First Nations, was intended to be assimilative and certainly has been assimilative in its effect in the context of First Nations child welfare.
In this regard, Johnston argues that differences in values between First Nations and Europeans contribute to the problems in First Nations child welfare: A system of child welfare is based on certain beliefs held by members of the dominant culture.
The Eligibility Decision was not determining the legal effect of who is a First Nations child.
The Tribunal recognized that Canada had the power to legislate over First Nations child welfare and chose not to, instead taking “a programing and funding approach”176 to child welfare on reserve.
If a child is of mixed heritage, the Ministry will generally treat the child as an Aboriginal child and notify the band accordingly.Certain additional considerations are provided throughout the Act for an Aboriginal, Nisga’a or treaty First Nations child.
The department of first contact must pay for the service the First Nations child requests, without engaging in any administrative procedure before the recommended service is approved and funding is provided.
West Region also piloted a block funding program for First Nations child and family services which allowed it to invest in prevention and early intervention services to a far greater degree that is normally allowed under INAC funding arrangements.
Warming up to the embodied context of First Nations child health: A critical intervention into and analysis of health and climate change research.