First State definition
Examples of First State in a sentence
Colonial First State Investments Limited has authorised the manager of each such managed investment scheme to exercise the powers referred to in paragraph 608(1)(b) and/or 608(1)(c) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in relation to those securities managed by the manager to the exclusion of Colonial First State Investments Limited except for provisions allowing Colonial First State Investments Limited to terminate the agreement with the manager or to exercise those powers where the agreement is terminated.
The expense for certain superannuation schemes (i.e. Basic Benefit and First State Super) is calculated as a percentage of the employees’ salary.
Shareholders are asked to complete and return the proxy form so as to arrive at the offices of First State Investments - Scheme, Unit 4B Chelmsford Road, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1HD no later than 48 hours before the time appointed for the meeting.
Agencies that are part of the First State Financial (FSF) system are required to identify the contract number GSS15133-COMPUTER on all Purchase Orders (P.O.) and shall complete the same when entering P.O. information in the state’s financial reporting system.
Agencies that are part of the First State Financial (FSF) system are required to identify the contract number <insert Contract Number> on all Purchase Orders (P.O.) and shall complete the same when entering P.O. information in the state’s financial reporting system.
Colonial First State Investments Limited has authorised the manager of each such managed investment scheme to exercise the powers referred to in paragraph 608(1)(b) and/or 608(1)(c) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in relation to those securities managed by the manager to the exclusion of Colonial First State Investments Limited except for provisions allowing Colonial First State Investments Limited to terminate the agreement with the manager or to exercise those powers where the agreement isterminated.
Agencies that are part of the First State Financial (FSF) system are required to identify the contract number ENTER CONTRACT NUMBER on all Purchase Orders (P.O.) and shall complete the same when entering P.O. information in the state’s financial reporting system.
First State Investments (UK) Limited (Authorised Corporate Director of the Company) 16 November 2018 NOTES:1.
The expense for certain superannuation schemes (i.e. Basic Benefit and First State Super) is calculated as a percentage of the employees' salary.
Agencies that are part of the First State Financial (FSF) system are required to identify the contract number on all Purchase Orders (P.O.) and shall complete the same when entering P.O. information in the state’s financial reporting system.