Examples of Fiscal year 2018 in a sentence
Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, an amount to be derived from function 920.
We are developing the presentation for this project which we have requested funding for Fiscal year 2018.
The base Step 0 hourly rate in all classification shall increase two percent (2.0%) in Fiscal Year 2017, an additional two percent (2.0%) in Fiscal year 2018, and an additional two percent (2.0%) to the base Step 0 hourly rate in all classifications in Fiscal Year 2019.
Fiscal year 2018 federal appropriation is reconciled to federal appropriation revenue as follows: Fiscal year 2018 federal appropriation is reconciled to federal appropriation expenses as follows: Unexpended appropriations for all fiscal years total $461.1 as of September 30, 2018 and consist of $132.0 in unexpended operating funds and $329.1 in unexpended construction funds.
The future minimum rental commitments as of June 30, 2017, required under the operating lease are as follows (dollars in thousands): Fiscal year: 2018$ 7,59920197,5992020 (2 months) 1,267 $ 16,465 Rent expense for office space amounted to $8.7 million and $8.5 million for fiscal years ended June 30, 2017 and 2016, respectively.
Fiscal year 2018 guidance is prior to the impact of the new revenue recognition standard to allow for comparability against historical results.
Fiscal year 2018 activity in the unfunded environmental remediation obligation follows: Beginning balance, September 30, 2017$ 49.9Accretion0.9Liabilities incurred0.2Liabilities settled(0.2)Change in estimate (1.0) Ending balance, September 30, 2018$ 49.8 In fiscal year 2006, the Smithsonian sold an office building in Washington, DC, and entered into short-term and long-term leases for approximately 32% of the building.
Fiscal year 2018 saw the Foundation’s largest grant making to date, with a total of $3.5 million in grants to 14 distinct recipients.
Fiscal year 2018 ROW costs of $200,000 are programmed $200,000 local funds.
Fiscal year 2018 ended on December 25, 2018 and fiscal year 2017 ended on December 26, 2017.