Examples of Fixed Interest Amount in a sentence
Interest shall be calculated in respect of any period (other than in respect of which a Fixed Interest Amount or Broken Amount is specified in the applicable Final Terms) by applying the Interest Rate to the Calculation Amount and multiplying such sum by the applicable Day Count Fraction, and rounding the resultant figure to the nearest sub-unit of the relevant Specified Currency, half of any such sub-unit being rounded upwards or otherwise in accordance with the applicable market convention.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Broken Amount or a Fixed Interest Amount is specified in the applicable Final Terms with respect to an Interest Payment Date, such Broken Amount or Fixed Interest Amount, as the case may be, shall apply.
Interest will be payable in arrear on the Interest Payment Date(s) in each year up to (and including) the Maturity Date.Except as provided in the applicable Pricing Supplement, the amount of interest payable on each Interest Payment Date in respect of the Fixed Interest Period ending on (but excluding) such date will amount to the Fixed Interest Amount.
The State Budget Agency and the Contractor acknowledge that if the Contractor is being paid in advance for the maintenance of equipment and/ or software.
The amount of interest payable for the relevant Interest Period on each Capital Security determined in accordance with Condition 5.2(a) and (b) is called a “Floating Interest Amount”, and a Floating Interest Amount or a Fixed Interest Amount, as the case may be, is called an “Interest Payment”.