Flow Meter definition

Flow Meter means a measurement device consisting of one or more individual components that is designed to measure the bulk fluid movement of liquid or gas through a piped system at a designated point. Bulk fluid movement can be measured with a variety of devices in units of mass flow or volume.
Flow Meter means any fixed instrument designed to measure and deliver liquid by volume as it flows through such instrument;
Flow Meter means a device installed on the pool return pipe (discharge line from filter) to indicate recirculation flow of the pool in gallons per minute (gpm).

Examples of Flow Meter in a sentence

  • Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus.

  • Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus.

  • Standard Test Method for Steady State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus.

  • Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus; 2010.

  • This results in the brief flaring of excess purge gas.• False Flow Meter Reading – as previously described to BAAQMD, many parameters (e.g. water seal level, flare line pressure, flare tip cameras) are utilized to determine whether or not flaring has actually occurred.

More Definitions of Flow Meter

Flow Meter means a device used to continuously record both flow activation and volume discharged at a specific point within the Combined Sewer System or Sanitary Sewer System. Flow data recorded to calculate flow volume discharged shall be (i) flow level and velocity or (ii) flow level only if a reliable level-flow rate relationship has been demonstrated and approved by EPA and Illinois EPA.
Flow Meter means a device of a type or design approved by the Board, and when properly installed and calibrated, will be operated and maintained in accordance with District specifications, and will measure the total amount of Ground Water withdrawn from a Water Well.
Flow Meter means a water measuring device approved by the MSGSA that measures the instantaneous flow and totalizes the volume of Groundwater extracted by a Well or the volume of surface water diverted onto a Parcel.
Flow Meter means a measuring device, approved by the Board of Directors, to measure the quantity of water pumped, withdrawn, or taken from a water well, Common Carrier, and/or surface water source.
Flow Meter means a device used to measure the quantity of liquid or gas moving through a pipe or fuel hose;
Flow Meter means a device used to measure the flow rate or quantity of water moving through a pipe;
Flow Meter means a device that measures pressure differential across a calibrated orifice and indicates the rate of flow at that point, usually given in gallons per minute or liters per minute.