Foreign Currency Reserve Percentage definition

Foreign Currency Reserve Percentage means 10%.
Foreign Currency Reserve Percentage means, at any time of determination, the sum for each Alternative Currency of the quotient, expressed as a percentage, of (a) the product of (i) the Outstanding Balance of all Receivables denominated in such Alternative Currency multiplied by (ii) the VaR Percentage for such Alternative Currency, divided by (b) the Net Receivables Pool Balance.
Foreign Currency Reserve Percentage means 5%.

More Definitions of Foreign Currency Reserve Percentage

Foreign Currency Reserve Percentage means, at any time of determination, the sum for each Alternative Currency of the quotient, expressed as a percentage, of (a) the product of (i) (x) the Outstanding Balance of Eligible Receivables denominated in such Alternative Currency minus (y) the amount (if any) then included in the Deferred Revenue Offset Amount on account of such Eligible Receivables denominated in such Alternative Currency, multiplied by (ii) the VaR Percentage for such Alternative Currency, divided by (b) the Adjusted Net Receivables Pool Balance.

Related to Foreign Currency Reserve Percentage

  • Eurocurrency Reserve Percentage means, for any day during any Interest Period, the reserve percentage (expressed as a decimal, carried out to five decimal places) in effect on such day, whether or not applicable to any Lender, under regulations issued from time to time by the FRB for determining the maximum reserve requirement (including any emergency, supplemental or other marginal reserve requirement) with respect to Eurocurrency funding (currently referred to as “Eurocurrency liabilities”). The Eurocurrency Rate for each outstanding Eurocurrency Rate Loan shall be adjusted automatically as of the effective date of any change in the Eurocurrency Reserve Percentage.

  • Euro-Rate Reserve Percentage means, the maximum effective percentage in effect on such day as prescribed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (or any successor) for determining the reserve requirements (including without limitation, supplemental, marginal, and emergency reserve requirements) with respect to eurocurrency funding (currently referred to as “Eurocurrency Liabilities”).

  • Yield Reserve Percentage means at any time of determination:

  • Reserve Percentage means, on any day, for any Lender, the maximum percentage prescribed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (or any successor Governmental Authority) for determining the reserve requirements (including any basic, supplemental, marginal, or emergency reserves) that are in effect on such date with respect to eurocurrency funding (currently referred to as “eurocurrency liabilities”) of that Lender, but so long as such Lender is not required or directed under applicable regulations to maintain such reserves, the Reserve Percentage shall be zero.

  • Eurodollar Reserve Percentage means, for any day during any Interest Period, the reserve percentage (expressed as a decimal, carried out to five decimal places) in effect on such day, whether or not applicable to any Lender, under regulations issued from time to time by the FRB for determining the maximum reserve requirement (including any emergency, supplemental or other marginal reserve requirement) with respect to Eurocurrency funding (currently referred to as “Eurocurrency liabilities”). The Eurodollar Rate for each outstanding Eurodollar Rate Loan shall be adjusted automatically as of the effective date of any change in the Eurodollar Reserve Percentage.

  • LIBOR Reserve Percentage means the reserve percentage prescribed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (or any successor) for "Eurocurrency Liabilities" (as defined in Regulation D of the Federal Reserve Board, as amended), adjusted by Bank for expected changes in such reserve percentage during the applicable Fixed Rate Term.

  • SOFR Reserve Percentage means, for any day, the maximum effective percentage in effect on such day, if any, as prescribed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (or any successor) for determining the reserve requirements (including, without limitation, supplemental, marginal and emergency reserve requirements) with respect to SOFR funding.

  • Loss Reserve Percentage means, on any date, the product of (i) 2.25 times (ii) the highest average of the Default Ratios for any three consecutive calendar months during the twelve most recent calendar months times (iii) (A) the aggregate credit sales made by the Originator during the four most recent calendar months, divided by (B) the Net Receivables Pool Balance as of such date.

  • Dilution Reserve Percentage means, on any day, the product of (a) the Dilution Horizon multiplied by (b) the sum of (i) 2.25 times the average of the Dilution Ratios for the twelve most recent calendar months and (ii) the Spike Factor.

  • Concentration Reserve Percentage means, at any time of determination, the largest of: (a) the sum of the five (5) largest Obligor Percentages of the Group D Obligors, (b) the sum of the three (3) largest Obligor Percentages of the Group C Obligors, (c) the sum of the two (2) largest Obligor Percentages of the Group B Obligors and (d) the largest Obligor Percentage of the Group A Obligors.

  • Foreign Currency LC Exposure means, at any time, the sum of (a) the Dollar Amount of the aggregate undrawn and unexpired amount of all outstanding Foreign Currency Letters of Credit at such time plus (b) the aggregate principal Dollar Amount of all LC Disbursements in respect of Foreign Currency Letters of Credit that have not yet been reimbursed at such time.

  • Overnight Foreign Currency Rate means, for any amount payable in a Foreign Currency, the rate of interest per annum as determined by the Administrative Agent at which overnight or weekend deposits in the relevant currency (or if such amount due remains unpaid for more than three (3) Business Days, then for such other period of time as the Administrative Agent may elect) for delivery in immediately available and freely transferable funds would be offered by the Administrative Agent to major banks in the interbank market upon request of such major banks for the relevant currency as determined above and in an amount comparable to the unpaid principal amount of the related Credit Event, plus any taxes, levies, imposts, duties, deductions, charges or withholdings imposed upon, or charged to, the Administrative Agent by any relevant correspondent bank in respect of such amount in such relevant currency.

  • Minimum Dilution Reserve Percentage means, at any time of determination, the product (expressed as a percentage and rounded to the nearest 1/100th of 1%, with 5/1000th of 1% rounded upward) of (a) the average of the Dilution Ratios for the twelve (12) most recent Fiscal Months, multiplied by (b) the Dilution Horizon Ratio.

  • Alternative Currency Daily Rate means, for any day, with respect to any Credit Extension:

  • Applicable Multicurrency Percentage means, with respect to any Multicurrency Lender, the percentage of the total Multicurrency Commitments represented by such Multicurrency Lender’s Multicurrency Commitment. If the Multicurrency Commitments have terminated or expired, the Applicable Multicurrency Percentages shall be determined based upon the Multicurrency Commitments most recently in effect, giving effect to any assignments.

  • Eurocurrency Reserve Requirement means the sum (without duplication) of the rates (expressed as a decimal) of reserves (including, without limitation, any basic, marginal, supplemental, or emergency reserves) that are required to be maintained by banks during the Interest Period under any regulations of the Federal Reserve Board, or any other governmental authority having jurisdiction with respect thereto, applicable to funding based on so-called “Eurocurrency Liabilities”, including Regulation D (12 CFR 224).

  • Reference Currency means the currency specified as such in the applicable Final Terms.

  • Balance Currency means the currency under which the trading account has the reference on and with which the Client buys or sells the subject matter instruments. It is noted that the all charges including Spreads, Commissions, Charges and Swaps are calculated in the Balance Currency.

  • Eurocurrency Reserve Requirements for any day as applied to a Eurodollar Loan, the aggregate (without duplication) of the maximum rates (expressed as a decimal fraction) of reserve requirements in effect on such day (including basic, supplemental, marginal and emergency reserves) under any regulations of the Board or other Governmental Authority having jurisdiction with respect thereto dealing with reserve requirements prescribed for eurocurrency funding (currently referred to as “Eurocurrency Liabilities” in Regulation D of the Board) maintained by a member bank of the Federal Reserve System.