conservation area means any improved area within the boundaries of a redevelopment project area located within the territorial limits of the municipality in which 50% or more of the structures in the area have an age of 35 years or more. Such an area is not yet a blighted area but because of a combination of 3 or more of the following factors may be considered as a “conservation area”:
Water conservation means the preservation and careful management of water resources.
Ex-situ conservation means the conservation of components of biological diversity outside their natural habitats.
in situ conservation means the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings and, in the case of domesticated or cultivated species, in the surroundings where they have developed their distinctive properties.
Resource conservation means the reduction in the use of water, energy, and raw materials. (Minn. Stat. § 115A.03, Subd. 26a)
Conservation Plan means a document that outlines how a project site will be managed using best management practices to avoid potential negative environmental impacts.
Conservation means any reduction in electric power
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act means the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq., as amended.
Conservation easement means a nonpossessory interest of a holder in real property imposing limitations or affirmative obligations the purposes of which include retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open-space values of real property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or open-space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property.
Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
exploration area means that part of the Area allocated to the Contractor for exploration, described in schedule 1 hereto, as the same may be reduced from time to time in accordance with this contract and the Regulations;
Radiation area means any area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 0.05 mSv (0.005 rem) in 1 hour at 30 centimeters from the source of radiation or from any surface that the radiation penetrates.
Sanitary landfill means a disposal facility for solid waste so located, designed and operated that it
Coastal high hazard area means a Special Flood Hazard Area extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. The area is designated on a FIRM, or other adopted flood map as determined in Article 3, Section B of this ordinance, as Zone VE.
Energy conservation means demand-side management of energy supplies resulting in a net reduction in energy use. Load management that reduces overall energy use is energy conservation.
Wellhead protection area means the surface and subsurface area surrounding a water well or well field that supplies a public water system through which contaminants are reasonably likely to migrate toward the water well or well field.
Plant Site (Works, Factory) means the local integration of one or more plants, with any intermediate administrative levels, which are under one operational control, and includes common infrastructure, such as:
Energy conservation measure means a training program or facility alteration designed to reduce energy consumption or operating costs and includes:
Low water pressure means water pressure below the regulatory reference level which is the minimum pressure when demand on the system is not abnormal.
Groundwater means all water, which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil.
Transportation project or "project" means any or the
Stormwater runoff means water flow on the surface of the ground or in storm sewers, resulting from precipitation.
High radiation area means an area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of one mSv (0.1 rem) in one hour at 30 centimeters from any source of radiation or 30 centimeters from any surface that the radiation penetrates.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or "SWPPP" means a document that is prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and that identifies potential sources of pollutants that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction site, and otherwise meets the requirements of this Ordinance. In addition the document shall identify and require the implementation of control measures, and shall include, but not be limited to the inclusion of, or the incorporation by reference of, an approved erosion and sediment control plan, an approved stormwater management plan, and a pollution prevention plan.
Conservation district means the same as that term is defined in Section 17D-3-102.