Examples of Fork length in a sentence
Fork length criteria for broodstock will be adjusted in season to reflect accurate size at age estimates.
Fork length (millimeters) frequency sampling is done just before smolt release.
Fork length (FL) was measured for all fish species with forked caudal fins and Total Length (TL), for fishes with entire fins.
YES / NO (Please label species, date, geographic site and vessel name when transmitting photo and/or video) Date and Time reported to NMFS Stranding Hotline: Xxxxxxxx Information: (please designate cm/m or inches and kg or lbs) Species: Fork length (or total length): Weight: Condition of specimen/description of animal: Fish Decomposed: NO SLIGHTLY MODERATELY SEVERELY Fish tagged: YES / NO If Yes, please record all tag numbers.
The website data we use is based on Fork length!!! PLEASE document both fork and total length.