Examples of Former Holders in a sentence
The arrangements in relation to holdings of interests by Former Holders through a custodian, broker or nominee that is an EB Participant will be subject to the terms between that custodian, broker or nominee and the Former Holder.
Former Holders whose interests in Shares are held through EB Participants (or other nominees) on their behalf will need to engage with their stockbroker or other custodian to procure that the steps outlined above are taken on their behalf by the relevant EB Participant.
While the issue of CDIs to Former Holders who are CREST members as described in this Circular is a key part of the implementation of Migration, this is not provided for in the Migration Act.
While the issue of CDIs to Former Holders who are CREST members as described in this Circular is a key part of the implementation of Migration, it is not provided for in the Migration Act.
Following the enablement of the CDIs in the CREST System on the Live Date, Former Holders may choose to hold their interests via Belgian Law Rights in the Euroclear System rather than through CDIs in the CREST System.