Examples of Forward Capacity Market in a sentence
In this Tariff, the terms listed in this section shall be defined as described below: Active Demand Capacity Resource is one or more Demand Response Resources located within the same Dispatch Zone, that is registered with the ISO, assigned a unique resource identification number by the ISO, and participates in the Forward Capacity Market to fulfill a Market Participant’s Capacity Supply Obligation pursuant to Section III.13 of Market Rule 1.
ICAP Tag Value – A consumer account’s contribution to peak load, expressed in kW-month, as determined by the Local Distributor pursuant to the ISO New England Manual for the Forward Capacity Market.
The Company may qualify the DG Project as an Existing Capacity Resource in the Forward Capacity Market (“FCM”) after the Commercial Operation Date to participate in the FCM, as determined by the Company, in consultation with the Division.
Each annual assessment will identify those portions of the New England system, along with the associated interface boundaries, that should be considered in the assessment of Capacity Zones to be modeled in the Forward Capacity Market pursuant to ISO Tariff Section III.12.
If the Interconnection Customer selects option (B) above, it shall also commit in the LGIA to the achievement of: (i) milestones for the completion of Major Permit approvals, and (ii) in the case of a CNR Interconnection Request, milestones to align the LGIA with the fulfillment of terms outlined in Section III.13 of the Tariff for participation in the Forward Capacity Market.
If and when National Grid participates as "Project Sponsor" on behalf of any Facility, that Facility must support National Grid, as required, to qualify the Facility as an Existing Capacity Resource in the Forward Capacity Market.
A resource that previously has been deactivated pursuant to Section I.3.9 of the Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff (or its predecessor provisions) and seeks to reactivate and participate in the Forward Capacity Market as an Existing Generating Capacity Resource must submit a reactivation plan no later than 10 Business Days before the Existing Capacity Retirement Deadline, as described in Section III.
National Grid shall be the "Project Sponsor" for all Large Distributed Generation Facilities and may qualify the Facility as an Existing Capacity Resource in the Forward Capacity Market (FCM) after the Commercial Operation Date and participate in every Capacity Commitment Period in the FCM with respect to the Facility.
A consumer account’s contribution to peak load, expressed in kW- month, as determined by the Local Distributor pursuant to the ISO New England Manual for the Forward Capacity Market.
Capacity charges will be billed to customers on a monthly per-kW basis, with each large standard offer customer’s kW set in a manner consistent with the large standard offer class Load Asset Coincident Peak Contribution (CPC) established pursuant to ISO-NE Market Rules, in particular, ISO New England Manual for the Forward Capacity Market, Manual M-20, Attachment C.