Forward Contract means, for each Forward, the Confirmation evidencing such Forward between the Company and the Forward Purchaser or an Alternative Forward Purchaser.
FX means the fixing of the FX Exchange Rate as published 2 p.m. Frankfurt am Main local time by the Fixing Sponsor on the FX Screen Page (or any successor).
Risk Management Fee means a value expressed in percentage per year, which forms the risk premium for the Issuer. The Initial Risk Management Fee for the First Trade Date is specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data. The Calculation Agent adjusts the Risk Management Fee on each Adjustment Date acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith to the current market circumstances so that the ratio of the Risk Management Fee to the relevant market parameters (especially volatility of the Underlying, liquidity of the Underlying, hedging costs and lending costs (if any)) remains substantially unchanged. The adjusted Risk Management Fee is valid during the period of the respective Adjustment Date (excluding) to the immediately following Adjustment Date (including). The Calculation Agent shall after its specification notify the valid Risk Management Fee in each case pursuant to § 6 of the General Conditions.
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stock actually on hand.