necessary skills means skills and experience, other than professional qualifications, specified by the Corporation as appropriate for members to have;
footpath means a road over which there is a public right of way for pedestrians only, not being a footway;
Takaful means a scheme based on brotherhood, solidarity and mutual assistance which provides for mutual financial aid and assistance to the Takaful Participants in case of need whereby the Takaful Participants mutually agree to contribute for that purpose.
the Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme means a scheme under section 17A (schemes for assisting persons to obtain employment: “work for your benefit” schemes etc.) of the Jobseekers Act 1995 known by that name and provided pursuant to arrangements made by the Secretary of State that is designed to assist claimants for job-seekers allowance to obtain employment, including self- employment, and which may include for any individual work-related activity (including work experience or job search);
obsrvd_agnt_cd ;"count erparty_identifier";"entty_rl";"cntrct_id";"instrmnt_id";" reporting_reference_date" Alpha-numeric Semicolon-separated string of all column names. Field names are put in double quotation marks. 1 reporting_agent_identifier Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 2 obsrvd_agnt_cd Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 3 counterparty_identifier Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 4 entty_rl Variable characters (25) 25 counterparty-instrument role type 5 cntrct_id Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 6 instrmnt_id Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 7 reporting_reference_date Date reporting reference date
the CE of Skills Funding means the Chief Executive of Skills Funding;
Non-Administrator Skilled Nursing Facility means a Skilled Nursing Facility which does not have an agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan but has been certified in accordance with guidelines established by Medicare.
Mistletoe Thinning means the removal of designated conifer trees bearing visible mistletoe plants on branches as well as visible plants or infections on the stem.
Scalping means the situation where the Client opens too many positions in CFDs at the same time and closes them for less than five minutes or buying at Bid price and selling at Ask price, so as to gain the Bid/Ask difference.
Tight-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that forms a complete seal with the face.
FIDIC means the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils, the international federation of consulting engineers.
Business with which he is associated means any business of which a public servant or his relative is an officer, director, owner, partner, employee or is a holder of more than ten percent (10%) of the fair market value or from which he or his relative derives more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) in annual income or over which such public servant or his relative exercises control.
Faculty member means any person hired by the college or District to conduct classroom or teaching activities or who is otherwise considered by the college to be a member of faculty.
manoeuvring area means that part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, excluding aprons;
Road tractor means every motor vehicle designed and used for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry any load thereon either independently or any part of the weight of a vehicle or load so drawn.
Load Serving Entity or “LSE” shall have the meaning specified in the Reliability Assurance Agreement.
Trauma Center or "designated trauma center" means a licensed hospital, accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, which has been designated as a Level I, II, III, or IV trauma center and/or Level I or II pediatric trauma center by the local EMS agency, in accordance with California Trauma Care System Regulations.
Private road or driveway means every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons.
Playground means any park or recreational area designed in part to be used by children that has play or sports equipment installed or that has been designated or landscaped for play or sports activities, or any similar facility located on public or private school grounds or on [City or County] grounds.
Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.
Dewatering means the removal of water for construction activity. It can be a discharge of appropriated surface or groundwater to dry and/or solidify a construction site. It may require Minnesota Department of Natural Resources permits to be appropriated and if contaminated may require other MPCA permits to be discharged.
Outdoor cultivation means the cultivation of mature cannabis without the use of artificial lighting or light deprivation in the canopy area at any point in time. Artificial lighting is permissible only to maintain immature plants outside the canopy area.
public road means a road as defined by the Road Traffic Xxx 0000;
Hydraulic fracturing means the fracturing of underground rock formations, including shale and non-shale formations, by manmade fluid-driven techniques for the purpose of stimulating oil, natural gas, or other subsurface hydrocarbon production.
Camper means a structure designed, used, and maintained primarily to be
Transient non-community water system or “transient non-CWS” means a non- CWS that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months of the year.