Examples of Takaful in a sentence
I/ We agree to pay the contribution on the basis of Xxxxxxx’ (donation) for the purpose of mutual support of other participants and with this contribution, I/ We am/ are entitled to the takaful cover expressed in the terms and conditions of the Takaful Certificate.
I understand that in accordance with the provisions of the PDPA, I may contact the Customer Service Centre at Etiqa General Takaful Oneline 1300 13 8888 for the details of My/ Our personal data and that such information shall only be granted upon verification of My/ Our identification.
In relation to the Takaful contract, it means Contribution for the purpose of Takaful.
Payment of sum covered to participants is payable from the General Takaful Fund (Fund) based on the concept of Tabarru’.
I understand that such request can be made by completing the Access Request Form available at all Etiqa General Takaful branches or contacting Etiqa General Takaful via email at XXXX@xxxxx.xxx.xx.