Examples of Free Trade and Warehousing Zone in a sentence
The Company is engaged in the business of development, operations and maintenance of Free Trade and Warehousing Zone (FTWZ) and Domestic Warehousing Zone.
It is further benefited by the adjoining presence of the modern high-capacity Arshiya Rail infrastructure and Free Trade and Warehousing Zone.
Employment Total Men14 Women02 While processing their current application for setting up a FTWZ Unit, we found that there is no Free Trade and Warehousing Zone (FTWZ) approved/notified inside MSEZ and also found ISPRL’s crude import as a Co-Developer doesn't fit into their original request to establish a warehouse and the then DC's report that it (warehouse) will be used by prospective SEZ units also implies that ISPRL will function only as a facility provider.
AMRL Hitech City Limited has requested to declare the area of 42.73 hectares as Free Trade and Warehousing Zone (FTWZ).
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) formerly known as Export Process Zones/Export Oriented Units (EPZs/EOUs) This program was found countervailable in SRF’s new shipper review.61 An SEZ may be established jointly or individually by the Central Government, the State Government or a person, to manufacture goods or provide services, or both, as well as to serve as a Free Trade and Warehousing Zone.
The zone also has in addition a Free Trade and Warehousing Zone (FTWZ) spread over 168 ha.
The Company shall have entered into a Senior Credit Facility in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to WCAS IX, and received at least $107,000,000 pursuant to such Senior Credit Facility.
The shipyard essentially includes ship building & ship repair facilities for handing small vessels upto Panamax / Baby Capes IL&FS and AGL are also developing a Multi-Product Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and a Free Trade and Warehousing Zone (FTWZ) near Layja Mota Village (about 10.5 Km from Nana Layja coast) through its Project Company - Sealand Ports Private Limited (SPPL).
Ltd., duly authorized warehousing agent from Free Trade and Warehousing Zone, Dist.
In the Special Economic Zones Rules,2006, in Rule 24(3), the belowprovision shall be inserted:In case of supplies from Domestic Tariff Area to foreign suppliers in Free Trade and Warehousing Zone, the drawback or any other similar benefit Scheme shall be admissible where the payments are made in foreign currency by the foreign supplier to Domestic Tariff Area.