Examples of Friction coefficient in a sentence
Friction: coefficient of friction; frictional force; motion on horizontal and inclined planes; the screw thread; transmission of power by belt drives.
Losses: Rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag.Gear shift: Time delays associated with gear shift, and gear shift sequencing if other than sequential.Road Surface: Friction coefficient as specified in the test procedure (Appendix C).
Friction coefficient γ extracted from the memory kernels in Fig.3 A and B as a function of the rescaled water viscosity η/η0for freeand constrained butane.
Internal pipe diameter in mmS = Slope of hydraulic grade line in m/mC = Friction coefficient (= 120 for all forcemain sewers)Pipes shall be sized to convey the required volume while flowing 75% full (d/D = 0.75).Design calculations and assumptions must be presented to, and accepted by, the Village Engineer.
Friction coefficient of 0.2 was used at the interfaces of support components.
Friction coefficient traces of the base oil without and with IL additives.
Friction coefficient distribution along the airfoil for the case without VGs. MaPFlow simulations with the kω and SA turbulence models are compared.
Friction coefficient of soft contact lenses: measurements and modeling.
Vh = Vo × (h/ho) α (5) Where, Vh = Wind speed at hub height, h (m/s) Vo = Wind speed at a reference height, ho (m/s)h = Hub height of wind energy conversion device (m) ho = Reference height (m)α = Friction coefficient.
Symbols : Friction coefficient averaged over all contacting particle pairs.