Examples of Fuel cell stack in a sentence
Fuel cell stack durability is critical to customer acceptance of fuel cell vehicles.
Livestock shelter has been used successfully before in other drought prone areas (LEGS, 2008); but respondents in the drought prone region expressed concern over the fact that drought resulted in mostly cattle deaths, and constructing shelter for cattle is impractical and costly.Average income has a positive, significant (p<0.1) effect on the likelihood of constructing livestock shelter as a drought coping strategy.
Fuel cell stack has a high protection degree of IPXXB.2) Live parts and high voltage buses which are generating over DC 400V in the fuel cell stack are designed to maintain a reliable insulation resistance with an electro-conductive enclosure.
Fuel cell stack models for micro-scale PEMFCs can be seen in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
This is a Holy space that is set aside for a secular purpose during your use.
Fuel cell device manufacturers Fuel cell stack manufacturers Fuel cell system manufacturers Customers Wordwide procurement Procurement through close ties with suppliers Reformers combined with stacks and sold as fuel cell systems Domestic manufacturers now developing household PEFC stacks include Ebara Ballard, Fuji Electric Advanced Technology, Hitachi, Matsushita Electric Industrial, Mitsubishi Electric, Sanyo Electric, and Toshiba Fuel Cell Power Systems.
It only deals with the PEM Fuel cell stack and its ancillary components, and is developing a guidance document incorporating and summarizing existing recyclability measurement techniques and recycling guidelines.
Fuel cell stack durability is critical to customer acceptance of fuel cell vehicles, and will be discussed in this paper.
Fuel cell stack costs are expected to be a higher component of overall system costs at higher fuel cell power levels, as balance of plant costs are more “amortized” with larger system sizes [14].
Ground Fault, Overspeed, Fuel cell stack(s) Set Fault and Warning, Over and/or Under Current and Voltage (Fuel cell stack output, Traction Motor, Air Compressor Motor, Equipment Blower, Low Voltage Power Supply and DC/DC boost/buckconverter), Open Circuit (Traction Motor Blower, Air Compressor Motor, etc.), Contactor or Relay Fault, Undesired Horsepower Output, Battery Charging Failure, and Air System Failure.