Examples of Fuel projects in a sentence
Fuel projects must use the baseline fuel pathway for the baseline fuel and vehicle/equipment combination that the project fuel would be displacing.
This information should include:— A commitment to no longer provide Banking and Financing4 where proceeds would be used for new Fossil Fuel projects; and— Targets to reduce Fossil Fuel exposure consistent with net-zero by 2050.
To do this:o As part of the Heat Fund, prioritise the substitution of biomass for coal and continue the Waste Fund’s call for Refuse-Derived Fuel projects to make the necessary adaptations;o For district heating systems, prioritise in the Heat Fund the substitution of coal by renewable and recovery energies, and increasing the Heat Fund’s resources.
A commitment to no longer provide Financing where proceeds would be used for new or expanded Fossil Fuel projects; andb.
Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions associated with fossil fuel combustion in Renewable Fuel projects are subject to DFC Greenhouse Gas policy requirements (Section 8), including annual cap allocation (Sections 8.4) and Category A screening thresholds (See Appendix A).
Per Chandler, Vicki, North Carolina Division of Air Quality, "Re: NC School Bus Retrofit/Alt Fuel projects and NCDPI Statewide Anti Idling Policy database." Email communication to Anne Gilliam, January 31, 2006.
In FY 1998, the Congress provided an additional $200 million for one existing project and four new projects, including Spent Nuclear Fuel projects at Savannah River and at Idaho, a transportation project at Carlsbad, and a waste disposal project at Oak Ridge.
Maintenance spare @ 15% of operation and maintenance expenses (2) The Working Capital requirement in respect of biomass power projects with Rankine Cycle technology, Biomass Gasifier based power projects, non-fossil fuel based co-generation, Muncipal Solid Waste and Refuse Derived Fuel projects shall be computed in accordance with the following clause : a) Fuel costs for four months equivalent to normative PLF; However, in case of non-fossil fuel co-generation, fuel cost for one month will be considered.
This information should include:• A commitment to no longer provide Financing 4 where use of proceeds are explicitly intended for new Fossil Fuel projects; and• Targets to reduce Fossil Fuel exposure consistent with net zero by 2050.The Board recommends that shareholders vote AGAINST Item 5(b).
Emergency Medical Services (EMS):• Maintain EMS Department telephone system, base radio, and portable radio systems.