Examples of Fusion technology in a sentence
This would require a combined commitment on the order of $25M per year over five years from federal funding, with expected matching from provincial sources to build and support programs in four key areas of Magnetic Fusion technology, Laser Fusion technology, Magnetized Target Fusion, and Alternative approaches to fusion and Power Plant technologies.
The purpose of this thesis was to explore the military application of Sensor Fusion technology by creating a MATLAB - based multiple-sensor, multiple-track simulation, and exploring some of the applicable tracking and fusion algorithms relevant to current and future sensor fusion capabilities.
M.Nikzad, Fabrication of polymeric lattice structures for optimum energy absorption using Multi Jet Fusion technology.
Its patented WANdisco Fusion technology enables the replication of continuously changing data to the cloud and on-premises data centers with guaranteed consistency, no downtime and no business disruption.
Sites requiring database design may require Microsoft ASP or Macromedia Cold Fusion technology.
RESOLVED – That LEP Board Members noted the opportunity and endorse early stage work to develop a submission to a UK Atomic Energy Authority proposal for South Yorkshire to be part of the Government’s plans to commercialise and develop Nuclear Fusion technology.
Fusion technology is being amortized over ten years, clamp and probe technology is being amortized over three years and the Estech trade name is being amortized over one year.
LFS process: the flexed film helps to reduce the tension inside the part Finally, Powder Bed Fusion technology can also be used in dentistry, in particular, for directly print metal substructure for hybrid porcelain-metal crowns, eliminating the casting operation but maintaining a prevalent traditional and labour intensive production method.
Potential spillover benefits of Fusion RDDD program First of all, the past and ongoing activities in the areas of basic science and R&D related to plasma physics and Fusion technology have already resulted and will continue to generate a stream of valuable knowledge in the form of publications, patents, standards, routines, highly trained staff and social networks that all together fall in to the category of knowledge spillovers.
Fusion technology may also become a viable technology after 2030.