Garda Central Vetting Unit definition

Garda Central Vetting Unit means the national unit of the Garda Síochána known as the Garda Central Vetting Unit;

Examples of Garda Central Vetting Unit in a sentence

  • It simply provides the above information to the registered organisation.The Garda Central Vetting Unit does not liaise directly with individual applicants or schools.

  • At the request of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA), Barnardos25 is assisting in the processing of Garda Vetting applications for a number of groups/organisations who are not directly registered with the Garda Central Vetting Unit.

  • The Vetting Act will put in place the National Vetting Bureau (the Bureau) which will replace the Garda Central Vetting Unit (GCVU) and will be responsible for issuing vetting disclosures under the Act’s statutory vetting arrangements.

  • The Garda Central Vetting Unit report [early December 2011] that once they receive a complete Garda Vetting Form from the Authorised Signatory; and assuming that all paperwork associated with the process is correct and contains no errors; the process takes about five weeks for them to complete the Vetting Process and return to the Authorised Signatory.

  • The Garda Central Vetting Unit will facilitate Garda Vetting for those Transition Year Students who are 18 years or older, where as Transition year students under 18 years will not be the subject of Garda Vetting.

  • It is currently kept under the responsibility of the Garda Commissioner at the Garda Central Vetting Unit accessible to all regional Garda Services.

  • Applicants for employment will be required to make a declaration relating to previous criminal records (see Sample Declaration Form Appendix VI) When a candidate is being considered for appointment or is being placed on a panel, the completed Consent Form will be sent to the Garda Central Vetting Unit by the Council’s Authorised Signatory as appointed under the Garda Vetting Procedure.

  • The Garda Central Vetting Unit deals with requests to vet certain prospective employees.

  • When a candidate is being considered for appointment or is being placed on a panel, it is the intention that the completed Consent Form will be sent to the Garda Central Vetting Unit by the Council’s Authorised Signatory as appointed under the Garda Vetting Procedure.

  • The Institute uses the Garda Central Vetting Unit (GCVU) vetting service to assess the suitability of applicants for academic programmes.

Related to Garda Central Vetting Unit

  • Local public procurement unit means any political subdivision or unit thereof which expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, or construction.

  • Generating Unit means one or more generating equipment combinations typically consisting of prime mover(s), electric generator(s), electric transformer(s), steam generator(s) and air emission control devices.

  • Operating Unit means, for purposes of this part, primary and constituent operating units designated as such in the Department Order Series of the De- partment of Commerce and, in addi- tion, the Office of the Secretary.

  • Trauma Center or "designated trauma center" means a licensed hospital, accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, which has been designated as a Level I, II, III, or IV trauma center and/or Level I or II pediatric trauma center by the local EMS agency, in accordance with California Trauma Care System Regulations.

  • Contracting unit means a municipality or any board, commission, committee, authority or agency, and which has administrative jurisdiction over any district other than a school district, project, or facility, included or operating in whole or in part, within the territorial boundaries of any county or municipality which exercise functions which are appropriate for the exercise by one or more units of local government, and which has statutory power to make purchases and enter into contracts or agreements for the performance of any work or the furnishing or hiring of any materials or supplies usually required, the costs or contract price of which is to be paid with or out of public funds.

  • Passenger compartment means the space for occupant accommodation, bounded by the roof, floor, side walls, doors, window glass, front bulkhead and rear bulkhead, or rear gate, as well as by the barriers and enclosures provided for protecting the occupants from direct contact with live parts.

  • Dwelling unit means a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.

  • Rooming unit means any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for living and sleeping, but not for cooking or eating purposes.

  • Project Management Unit and “PMU” each means the Recipient’s unit responsible for the implementation of its Respective Part of the Project referred to in Section I.A.2 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.

  • Enslavement means the exercise of any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over a person and includes the exercise of such power in the course of trafficking in persons, in particular women and children;

  • Accessory dwelling unit means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing primary residence. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family or multifamily dwelling is or will be situated. An accessory dwelling unit also includes the following:

  • Interior of the dwelling unit means the inside of the dwelling unit, consisting of interior walls,

  • Data Centre or "DC" means the primary centre where data, software, computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunication and storage systems, redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications, environment controls and security devices are housed and operated from;

  • municipal spatial development framework means a municipal spatial development framework adopted by the Municipality in terms of Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act;

  • Child day center means a child day program offered to (i) two or more children under the age of 13 in a facility that is not the residence of the provider or of any of the children in care or (ii) 13 or more children at any location.

  • Stinger-steered automobile or watercraft transporter means an automobile or watercraft transporter