Examples of Gas Regulation in a sentence
The budgetary impact on the EU budget associated to the proposal under this package concerns the human resources of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and of the European Commission’s Directorate-General (DG) for Energy which are described in the Legislative Financial Statement accompanying the Commission proposal for a recast of the [Gas Regulation].
According to the UCLA Civil Rights Project, 3.3 million students were issued out-of-school suspensions in the 2009-2010 school year.• Of those 3.3 million students, African American students were found to be three times as likely as their peers to be issued an out-of-school suspension, along with almost 1 in 13 Latinos.17%National suspension rates show that 17 percent, or 1 out of every 6 African American schoolchildren enrolled in K-12 were suspended at least once.
The Oil and Gas Regulation and Cleanup Fund is a fund that was created by the 82nd Texas Legislature in 2011.
A vacancy in the Substation Construction and Maintenance Department and the Gas Regulation Department shall be posted in each headquarters covered by the Labor Agreement in the manner specified above.
Overview of Natural Gas Regulation Whether Plaintiffs’ state law antitrust claims are cognizable depends, for one thing, on whether the field of natural gas regulation has been preempted by federal regulation.
Seniority of employees in the Gas Regulation Department shall apply to the entire department regardless of an individual employee's headquarters.
Further acts will need to be amended through the Gas Regulation such as: the SoS Regulation (EU) 2017/1938, ACER Regulation (EU) 2019/942 and REMIT Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011.
Therefore, the entry-exit system allows for cross-border trade.As defined by the Gas Regulation, capacity is generally either firm or interruptible which refers to its quality (European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2009b).
Regulation (EC) No 715/2009, being part of the so-called Third Energy Package and also referred to as the Gas Regulation, prescribes a market design to be implemented by TSOs, which is referred to as the entry-exit system.1 Prior to entry-exit, network users,2 who intended to supply customers with gas, needed to book gas transport capacities for a specific route in the network(s).
As we have set out above, we consider that the definition of storage facility in the Gas Regulation is compatible with the Intended Use.