Examples of General Public Relations in a sentence
Information is shared at TMA office Notice Board, through “Munadi” and TMA arranges announcement of contracts and tenders in the national newspapers through Director General Public Relations.
Without the prior written consent of the other party, no Party shall use the name of the other Party or any Affiliate of the other Party in General Public Relations.
Information is shared at TMA office Notice Board, through “Munadi” and TMA arranges announcement of contracts and tenders in national newspapers through Director General Public Relations.
Marketing Expense shall not include (a) any General Public Relations or any other activities that promote the business of a Party as a whole without specifically referencing a CoDev Product, or (b) the pro-rata share of any expenses set forth in (a)-(q) above that are directed at General Public Relations or any other activities or products of a Party, and not directed at a CoDev Product.
General Public Relations include community relations and activities dedicated to maintaining the image of the institution or promoting understanding and favorable relations with the community (UG Section 200.421 paragraph (d)).
The Director General, Wapda Audit, Sunny View, Kashmir Road, Lahore.3. The Director General, Public Relations Wapda, Wapda House, Lahaore for suitable insertion in Khabar Nama and Wapda News.ANNEXURE- VI No. D/DD (Rules)/07456/52/Vol.II/64883-65662 3rd July,1984.OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- .
The request for inspection may be submitted till17th August 2022.7Bidders to quote the Bid Price: in Pak Rupees 8The Tender (Bidding) Documents may be collected from the office of:Finance Manager, Director General Public Relations, Lahore.
The unbridled management even did not bother to serve any legal no- tice or cancel allotment with the con- sent of the members of the AttockPakistan, Chief Secretary Punjab, In- spector General Punjab Police, Direc- tor General Public Relations Punjab and Commissioner Rawalpindi Divi- sion to interfere in the burning issue.Sports is avital sourceof nationalKP farmers to get trainingunder US assistance projectDistrict Council Attock during the chairmanship of ex-MPA Attock Syed Ejaz Bokhari in 1985.
A three member delegation headed by Dr. Adel Azar, President of Supreme Audit Court of Islamic Republic of Iran accompanied by Mr. Kiumars Davoudi, Vice President, Technical and Auditing of Social and Public Affairs and Mr. Morteza Asadi, Deputy Director General, Public Relations and int'l Affairs attended the 22nd Congress of INTOSAI, which is held every three years and participated by all its members.
In 2016, Medicare beneficiaries comprised 12% of ED- avoidable visits for eye conditions, up from 10.8% in 2012.