Generation company definition
Examples of Generation company in a sentence
The Town has contacted the Lead Generation company to discuss the project and future direction as the building is now owned by a developer.
EVN, 22%EVN: Electricity of Vietnam; GENCO: Generation company; SMO: System & Market Operator; PPA: Power Purchase Agreement; PCs: Power companies; BOT: Build-Operation-Transfer; TNO: National Transmission Operator 6.
Any Generation company that failed to put up the power plant as per its RSC with the Contestable Customer shall be subject to strict monitoring.
In the first half of 2023, Shaoguan Power Generation company actively promoted the development of local industries in Dongping Town and assisted the local introduction of Chinese herbal medicines; extended the tea industry chain and built a new tea processing factory; increased the investment in ginger industry and built a ginger brand.
Kenya Electricity Generation company (KenGen) is the national electricity generation company, which covers a majority of installed on-grid electricity generation capacity and is 70% state-owned.