Clean energy definition

Clean energy means energy generation that is 90% or
Clean energy means Energy that qualifies as energy generated by a clean or renewable resource under British Columbia’s Clean Energy Act, SBC 2010, c.22, as amended from time to time.
Clean energy means any advanced and applied technologies

Examples of Clean energy in a sentence

  • This agreement describes the general terms and conditions under which the Contractor agrees to plan and implement a Clean Energy Communities grant project.

  • The Town of Manlius (hereafter, the “Contractor”) has made important strides in the area of clean energy and has met the requirements for grant funding under the Clean Energy Communities program.

  • Launched in August 2016, the NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities program provides grants and recognition to local governments that demonstrate leadership by completing NYSERDA-selected high-impact actions.

More Definitions of Clean energy

Clean energy means renewable electric energy and alternative energy;
Clean energy means energy produced from Renewable Energy Resources (as defined below), eligible energy sources, and by means of advanced technologies that cost- effectively capture and sequester carbon emissions produced as a by-product of power generation. For purposes of this definition, “cost” means all those costs as determined by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado (“PUC”).
Clean energy means energy derived from biomass, as defined in section 40-2-124 (1)(a)(I), C.R.S., geothermal energy, solar energy, small hydroelectricity, and wind energy, as well as any hydrogen derived from any of the foregoing.
Clean energy means energy produced from Renewable Energy Resources, eligible energy sources, and by means of advanced technologies that cost-effectively capture and sequester carbon emissions produced as a by-product of power generation. For purposes of this definition, “cost” means all those costs as determined by the PUC.
Clean energy means a technology, product, process or innovation that involves conserva-
Clean energy means a technology, product, process or innovation that involves conservation of natural resources, solar en- ergy, green building products and services, biofuels, biomass energy, bio-based products or other renewable and sustainable energy.