GHG Reductions definition

GHG Reductions means the removal, limitation, reduction, avoidance, sequestration or mitigation of GHG emissions relative to the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources or anthropogenic removal by sinks of GHG in the absence of such removal, limitation, reduction, avoidance, sequestration or mitigation;
GHG Reductions means the removal, limitation, reduction, avoidance, sequestration or mitigation of Greenhouse Gas emissions achieved by the Project, measured in metric tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalence.
GHG Reductions means the removal, limitation, reduction, avoidance, sequestration or mitigation of GHGs' emissions relative to the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources or anthropogenic removal by sinks of GHG in the absence of such removal, limitation, reduction, avoidance, sequestration or mitigation.

Examples of GHG Reductions in a sentence

  • The following table, GHG Reductions in the SANDAG Sustainable Communities Strategy, presents the assigned CARB targets and the projected GHG reductions and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reductions projected in the SCS.

  • If Maryland is to fulfill a large portion of its RPS through in- state generation, offshore wind energy and other ocean energy resources should be considered.• GHG Reductions: Utilization of ocean energy resources reduces GHG emissions by displacing fossil-fueled power generation.• Green Jobs: Growth in ocean energy will lead to increased business for Maryland’s marine industry.

  • Project: Increased Rail Service to Roseville, Service Optimization, and Standby Power Investments Award: $8,999,000Total Budget: $79,300,000 Estimated GHG Reductions 2,500 tonsAdditional GHG reductions, estimated at 142,000 tons of GHG reduction, will be reported following the implementation of the optimization plan required for this project, which will focus on delivering corridor-wide improvements in reliability, better schedules and service integration, and more efficient service delivery.

  • GHG Reductions in the SANDAG Sustainable Communities StrategyAverage Weekday Per Capita CO2 and VMT Reductions forCars and Light Trucks from 2005Notes: CO2 = carbon dioxide.CARB identifies CO2 as the GHG whose concentration is being most affected directlyby human activities.

  • Project: Metro Red Line and Purple Line Core Capacity Improvements Project Award: $69,209,000Total Budget: $162,000,000 Estimated GHG Reductions 946,000 tons Increases ridership and reduces greenhouse gas emissions through significantly improving frequency of rail services at Los Angeles Union Station, allowing 4-minute peak service frequency on each line (Red and Purple) by 2023, compared to the 10-min service offered today.

  • Project: Light Rail Modernization and Expansion Program Award: $45,092,000Total Budget: $50,342,000 Estimated GHG Reductions 161,000 tons Increases ridership and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by funding an additional 10 expansion vehicles for the Muni light rail system, bringing the total expansion fleet funded through the TIRCP and local fund sources to 38 vehicles out of the 60 vehicles planned, excluding vehicles purchased for the Central Subway extension.

  • For this section, applications will be scored based on the quantified GHG emission reductions based on: 1) the total Project GHG Reductions Score; AND 2) cost efficiency of estimated GHG reductions per AHSC dollar.

  • Project: Airport Metro Connector 96th Street Transit Station/Metro Green Line Extension to LAX Project Award: $40,000,000Total Budget: $206,149,224 Estimated GHG Reductions 641,000 tons Increases ridership and reduces greenhouse gas emissions through significantly improving airport access for travelers and workers by connecting the Metro Rail system to the new automated people mover being planned for Los Angeles International Airport.

  • The FFGA is anticipated by late 2016/early 2017.Total Budget: $292,735,000 Estimated GHG Reductions 539,000 tons Increases ridership and reduces greenhouse gas emissions through constructing Orange County’s first streetcar line connecting the Santa Ana Regional Transit Center with a newmultimodal hub at Harbor Boulevard and Westminster Avenue in Garden Grove, with 10-minute peak period headways on the 4.15-mile route.

  • Project: All Aboard: Transforming Southern California Rail Travel Award: $82,000,000Total Budget: $350,322,000 Estimated GHG Reductions 606,000 tons Increases ridership and reduces greenhouse gas emissions through corridor-wide infrastructure and rail equipment investments that will increase ridership and create the capacity used to run additional Amtrak Pacific Surfliner, Metrolink and Coaster rail services.

More Definitions of GHG Reductions

GHG Reductions means the reductions of anthropogenic emissions by sources or enhancements of anthropogenic removals by sinks which are additional to the Baseline determined for a Project;