Examples of Government purpose rights in a sentence
Data delivered or otherwise furnished to the Government purpose rights shall be marked as follows: GOVERNMENT PURPOSE RIGHTSContract No Contractor Name Contractor Address Expiration Date The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these technical data are restricted by paragraph (b)(2) of the Rights in Technical Data--Noncommercial Items clause contained in the above identified contract.
Include in this section all limited data rights or Government purpose rights, or proprietary claims to the results, data, reports, prototypes, software, or systems supporting and/or necessary for the use of the research, results, and/or prototype.
Authorization for the Secretary of the Navy to purchase infrastructure and Government purpose rights license associated with the Navy-Ma- rine Corps intranet.
Upon expiration of the 20-year SBIR/STTR license, the Government has Government purpose rights to the SBIR data.
Technical data or computer software delivered or otherwise furnished to the Government with Government purpose rights shall be marked as follows: Government Purpose Rights Contract No: Contractor Name: Contractor Address: Expiration Date: The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these technical data and computer software are restricted by paragraph (b)(2) of this Clause.