Examples of Grade one in a sentence
Grade one and grade two correctional facilities shall have a written policy and procedure for inmates to earn sentence reduction credit based upon performance criteria established by the correctional facility administrator.
Grade one correctional facilities may contract for the confinement of offenders in the custody of the department of corrections and rehabilitation if sufficient room is not available at the penitentiary, for purposes of safety, security, discipline, medical care, or when the department of corrections and rehabilitation determines it may be in the best interests of the offender or the department of corrections and rehabilitation.
In Scope:• WHO Grade three and four tumours (generally considered malignant); and• ICD10 codes C47, C69-72.Out of Scope:• WHO Grade one and two tumours (generally considered benign); and• Von Hippel-Landau syndrome – a benign condition.
Loading for previous convictions Where a player charged with an offence has previously been convicted of a Grade one (1) charge/s and that conviction was entered more than one (1) year prior to the offence giving rise to the charge, the conviction shall be ignored for the purposes of calculating the penalty.
The Owner may only request an inspection for the purpose of raising the alphabetical Grade from a lower to a higher Grade one time per calendar year.
Under the grading system, - Grade one status refers to buildings of outstanding merit, which every effort should be made to preserve if possible.
Standard 19: Shower Temperature and Ratio Grade one, grade two, and grade three correctional facilities shall provide showers that are available to all inmates.
These average points will be multiplied by three (3) for 1st grade teams by two and a half (2.5) for 2nd Grade; two(2) for 3rd Grade; one and a half (1.5) for 4th Grade and one (1) for 5th Grade.The Club Championship will be decided by totalling the modified average points for all teams within a club and/or associated club.
Comprehensive medical examination of students at KG/Foundation 1, Grade one (1), Grade four (4), Grade seven (7), Grade ten (10) and at entry level in colleges and universities and for new admission at any grade in schools.
The Ethiopian Grade one road Construction companies should have formal written policies about how to manage all the physical resource complete with legal requirements reduce waste and obtain better value of money.