Examples of Grain processing in a sentence
It is also increasing its grain marketing presence in South Australia and Western Australia. Grain processing operations in flour milling, malting and oilseed processing.3 Terms of Reference (a), (b) and (c)NSW Farmers has sought to address the terms of reference (a), (b) and (c) below.
When they were asked to summarize a STEM session and how it is managed and operated, none of the participants could give a clear image about STEM sessions in their school; they showed uncertainty.
At lines 42-44 requests_pended will be decremented by one, but this is only after the top-level calls p1.run, p2.run and p3.run are registered with the appropriate subsystems.
Grain processing establishments holding grower owned grain or seed in storage for future sale shall be licensed in accordance with W.S. 11-11-103.
The Rouble-denominated discount rate was estimated in nominal terms based on an industry average weighted average cost of capital.The implied pre-tax discount rate is 19.68%.Management plans to achieve at least 20% increase in production volumes of Grain processing and storage segment by the third year of the business plan.
Grain processing methods can increase energy availability by disrupting the protein matrix encapsulating starch granules and by increasing the sur- face area allowing more starch to be digested.
PDS is operated by the Ministry of Trade (MOT) with three main companies under it performing the key functions (the State Company for Foodstuff Trading, the State Company for Grain processing and the Grain Board of Iraq).
What I like is that we learn things that are actually applicable in our future jobs.Studying at HAN has brought me many things, not only improving my scientific skills but also improving my social and soft skills such as how to do a presentation.’Aufa Kunti Riona Aryandhani –Indonesian studentElective semesterIn the 3rd or 4th year of the course, you complete an elective semester in which you broaden or specialise your knowledge.
Grain processing establishments that take in grain without storage agreements, and which hold the grain for less than four (4) business days, are exempt from warehouse licensing.
Various emission control systems have been applied to operations within the grain milling and processing industry.2 Grain processing facilities also have the potential to emit gaseous pollutants.