Examples of Groundwater recharge areas in a sentence
Groundwater recharge areas and wellhead protection areas that are vulnerable to pollution because of hydrogeologic characteristics.
Groundwater recharge areas within bedrock or unconfined aquifer areas shall not be considered acceptable spray disposal sites.
Check all that apply:Inner Gorge Groundwater recharge areas for glacial deep-seated landslides Bedrock Hollow Convergent Headwall Toe of deep-seated landslideOuter edges of meander bends Other (describe): 3.
Groundwater recharge areas and depths to groundwater, generalized.
Groundwater recharge areas Lands identified in a document published by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission as groundwater recharge areas;or where, prior to any land disturbing or land development activity, precipitation or runoff could only leave the area by infiltrating the ground, thereby recharging the groundwater.
Groundwater recharge areas are highly susceptible to contamination wherever they occur (Johnston and Larson, 1979); However, none of the study area is among mapped areas in the United States with soils having potentially high risks of groundwater contamination (Stone Environmental, 1996).
Groundwater recharge areas should be protected.(Responsibility: State Water Resources Board, Department of Fish and Game)b.
Groundwater recharge areas may occupy a range of hillslope gradients, shapes, and soil and rock types.
Groundwater recharge areas (areas of downward hydraulic gradients) typically are located in the areas of higher topographic elevation.
Groundwater recharge areas are those portions of the earth's surface where water infiltrates into the ground to replenish an aquifer.