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Growl definition

Growl means make a low guttural sound in the throat.

Examples of Growl in a sentence

  • Ramana: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.2) Dr. B.S. Growl: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.3) R K Jain, S R K Iyengar: Advanced Engineering Mathematics.

  • All registration takes place online through Growl at www.growl.ucr.edu.

  • Students familiar with the Growl system may enroll themselves during their appropriate enrollment period.

  • After meeting with the Faculty Graduate Advisor, students should arrange a meeting with the Graduate Student Affairs Officer who will assist with identifying the correct call numbers so that students may enroll through the online enrolment system (Growl).

  • Through Growl, students may regularly look up grades, view financial aid status for any quarter, view current billing account status, confirm courses, view/accept financial aid awards, verify Student ID, set privacy restrictions, and change the PERM PIN.

  • Grizzly Growl NewsletterA weekly newsletter with important information about upcoming events, education topics, and communications from the Board of Directors and PTO will be sent out to all families via email and posted on the website.

  • Myanmar Co. Ltd (lubricants and specialty chemicals manufacturing) from Myanmar, Quilter Philippines Inc (garment manufacturing), and Growl Corporation (OEM in-dash audio, video and navigation system) from Philippines, Benrico Systems & Electronics Pte Ltd (electronics manufacturing), and SKIMZ Singapore LLP (marine equipment manufacturing) from Singapore, Tanadol (OEM and design service), related to specific technological resources, expertise or labour forces.

  • As per the conditions of the tender, the corners of the existing site have been preserved as biodiverse areas due to the variety of native wildflowers and presence of insect life.

  • Laryngostroboscopic Exploration of Rough Vocal Effects in Singing and their Statistical Recognizability: An Anatomical and Physio- logical Description and Visual Recognizability Study of Distortion, Growl, Rattle, and Grunt using laryngostro- boscopic Imaging.

  • Maria Sharapova “Don’t look at me, I didn’t do it!” Sean KennyTHE PREZ SAYS…Congratulations to NCC club man Geordie Ferguson on (somehow) acquiring his own edition of the Growl, he is a proud and respected Tiger (and KFC share holder) and although he’s a bit nutty we just love him to bits.

Related to Growl

  • Growler means any fillable, sealable container complying with federal law.

  • Green means products, materials, methods and processes certified by a “Green Authority” that conserve natural resources, reduce energy or water consumption, avoid toxic or other polluting emissions or otherwise minimize environmental impact.

  • Rock means the body of consolidated or partially consolidated material composed of minerals at or below the land surface. Rock includes bedrock and partially weathered rock that is hard and cannot be dug with hand tools. The upper boundary of rock is "saprolite," "soil," or the land surface.

  • Greenfield means land not developed beyond agricultural, range, or forestry use.

  • TELRIC means Total Element Long-Run Incremental Cost.

  • Crane means any self-propelled vehicle to which has been permanently mounted or attached any crane, whether or not such vehicle was originally a truck, tractor, or other type of motor vehicle or was designed and built as a complete crane unit. However, the word "crane," as herein defined, shall not be construed to mean any truck or other vehicle equipped with or to which has been affixed any device used for the purpose of providing a means for towing other vehicles.

  • Edge of any water means the outer edge of the water's bankfull width or, where applicable, the outer edge of the associated channel migration zone.

  • Freshwater means all waters not defined as saltwater

  • Flashpoint means the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off a vapor in sufficient concentration to ignite when tested as follows:

  • Ash means all species of the genus Fraxinus.

  • ECO means Engineering Change Orders.

  • We/Us/Our means TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited.

  • Salmon means fish of the species Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon);

  • Gold means (i) Physical Gold held by the Custodian or any Sub-Custodian under this Agreement and/or (ii) any credit to an account, including a Fund Unallocated Account, on an Unallocated Basis, as the context requires.

  • Summer means the calendar months of May through September.

  • foreshore , in relation to a port, means the area between the high-water mark and the low-water mark relating to that port;

  • Spirits means any beverage which contains alcohol obtained by distillation mixed with drinkable water and other substances in solution, including, but not limited to, brandy, rum, whisky, and gin.

  • MT means metric tons.

  • Stalk means a knowing or an intentional course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another person that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, or threatened and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, or threatened. The term does not include statutorily or constitutionally protected activity.

  • Catechumen means a member of the catechumenate of a Catholic Church. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of reception into the order of catechumens.

  • Shellfish means those species of marine and freshwater

  • POPI means the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013;

  • Seaplane means an aircraft that is capable of landing and taking off on the water.

  • Salmonid means of, belonging to, or characteristic of the family Salmonidae, which includes the salmon, trout, and whitefish.

  • River means a flowing body of water or a portion or tributary of a flowing body of water, including streams, creeks, or impoundments and small lakes thereon.

  • E-cigarette means any electronic oral device, such as one composed of a heating element and battery or electronic circuit, or both, which provides a vapor of nicotine or any other substances, and the use or inhalation of which simulates smoking. The term shall include any such device, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, and e-pipe or under any other product, name, or descriptor.