Shellfish definition

Shellfish means those species of marine and freshwater
Shellfish means those species of marine and freshwater invertebrates that have been classified and that shall not be taken except as authorized by rule of the commission. The term "shellfish" includes all stages of development and the bodily parts of shellfish species.
Shellfish means any molluscan species growing in Rhode Island tidal waters, including, but not limited to, bay quahaug, ocean quahaug, blue mussel, oyster, soft shell clam, bay scallop, and surf clam.

Examples of Shellfish in a sentence

  • Marine Licence Application for Finfish and Shellfish FarmsVersion 1.0 Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain any other consents or authorisations that may be required.

  • Example where there is no violation: A municipal Shellfish Advisory Board has been created to provide advice to the Board of Selectmen on policy issues related to shellfishing.

  • Discharge from waste water systems direct to waters designated under EC Shellfish Directives will not be permitted.

  • The numbers of total coliform bacteria or other specified indicator organisms in samples representative of the waters in shellfish harvesting areas may not exceed the criteria recommended under the National Shellfish Sanitation Program, United States Food and Drug Administration.

  • Discharge from waste water systems direct to waters designated under EC Shellfish Directives will not be permitted.Water: - New developments in areas with public water supplies will be required to connect to the public water supply.

More Definitions of Shellfish

Shellfish means any species of oyster, clam, or mussel that is harvested for human consumption.’’
Shellfish means all species of any of the following:
Shellfish means those species of marine and
Shellfish means oysters, clams, mussels, scallops, and all nonmotile molluscan fish having shells.
Shellfish means quahogs, clams, mussels, scallops, oysters, conches, and
Shellfish means all species of:
Shellfish means shellfish classified under WAC 220-12-020.