Guest speaker definition
Examples of Guest speaker in a sentence
Guest speaker presentations take place in purpose built rooms with multiple large screens and VC facilities for those joining remotely.
Guest speaker for the Principal Fellows Program, Stanford University.
Guest speaker at the 7th Caribbean Foresters' Meeting, Kingston, Jamaica, June 13-17, 1994.
Students have possibility to explore solutions and practice their skills.• Guest speaker: The intention of some courses is to invite guest speakers which are experts in their field of work or research to give lecture on one of the relevant topics.
Guest speaker- Annual meeting Korean Association of Immunobiologists, University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
Literary contraband between nebulous frontiers: journalism and literature in Latin America”.) Guest speaker at the Post-Graduate Seminary organized by King’s College, London, United Kingdom.
GCSE School Saturday 4 March 2017, 12 noonCircle of Serbian Sisters “Kosovo Maiden”Memorial service (Pomen)Serbian Orthodox ChurchBishop Nikolaj Community Centre89 Lancaster Road, LondonW11 1QQ Info: 020 7727 8367 (church office) or Guest speaker Alan Cumming, Scottish Women's Hospitals website Commemoration of the women in foreign medical missions in Serbia during the Great War who risked and sacrificed their lives in Serbia and related fronts.
Guest speaker: Jeff Klein, civic engagement manager, LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s office.
Guest speaker: Guest speaker: Lee Selwyn (President, Economics and Technology, Inc.)An important debate over “Net Neutrality,” with significant consequences for almost everyone, has raged amongst and between many important organizations (e.g., AT&T vs.
This agreement shall not be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture between Guest speaker and ECSU.