GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Section 3.2, the Board shall be deemed to have considered and determined to accept such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of the Portfolios.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Section 3.2, the Board, directly or by delegation to its duly authorized investment adviser or investment manager, shall be deemed to have considered and determined to accept such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of the Portfolios.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Section 3.2, the Board, or at the Board’s delegation, a Fund’s investment adviser, shall be deemed to have considered and determined to accept, on behalf of the Fund, such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of the Portfolios.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Article 3, the Foreign Custody Manager shall have no responsibility for Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of the Portfolios. The Fund and the Custodian each expressly acknowledge that the Foreign Custody Manager shall not be delegated any responsibilities under this Article 3 with respect to Mandatory Securities Depositories.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Section Q, the Board will be solely responsible for considering and determining to accept such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which State Street is serving as FCM of a Portfolio, and the Board will be solely responsible for monitoring on a continuing basis such Country Risk to the extent that the Board considers necessary or appropriate. The Fund, on behalf of the Portfolios, and State Street each expressly acknowledge that the FCM will not be delegated any responsibilities under this Section Q with respect to Mandatory Securities Depositories.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Section 3, the Board shall be deemed to have considered and determined to accept such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of the Portfolios. The Fund, on behalf of the Portfolios, and the Board shall be deemed to be monitoring on a continuing basis such Country Risk to the extent that the Board considers necessary or appropriate. The Fund and the Custodian each expressly acknowledge that the Foreign Custody Manager shall not be delegated any responsibilities under this Section 3 with respect to Mandatory Securities Depositories.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Article 3, each Fund's Board shall be deemed to have considered and determined to accept such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of a Portfolio, and such Board shall be deemed to be monitoring on a continuing basis such Country Risk to the extent that such Board considers necessary or appropriate. Notwithstanding any provision of this Contract to the contrary, each Fund on behalf of the Portfolios and the Custodian expressly acknowledge and agree that the Foreign Custody Manager shall not be delegated any responsibilities under this Article 3 with respect to Mandatory Securities Depositories, and that the determination by or on behalf of each Fund's Board to place the Foreign Assets in a particular country shall be deemed to include the determination to place such Foreign Assets eligible for any Mandatory Securities Depository with such Mandatory Securities Depository, whether the Mandatory Securities Depository exists at the time the Foreign Assets are acquired, or after the acquisition thereof.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Section 3, the Board of Trustees shall be deemed to have considered and determined to accept such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of the Portfolios. The Fund, on behalf of the Portfolios, and the Custodian each expressly acknowledge that the Foreign Custody Manager shall not be delegated any responsibilities under this Section 3 with respect to Mandatory Securities Depositories.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Article 3, the Fund shall be deemed to have considered and determined to accept such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of a Portfolio, and the Fund's investment advisor (or a delegate thereof) shall be deemed to be monitoring on a continuing basis such Country Risk to the extent that the Board considers necessary or appropriate. The Fund, on behalf of the Portfolios, and the Custodian each expressly acknowledge that the Foreign Custody Manager shall not be delegated any responsibilities under this Article 3 with respect to Mandatory Securities Depositories.
GUIDELINES FOR THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY. For purposes of this Article 3, the Board shall be deemed to have considered and determined to accept such Country Risk as is incurred by placing and maintaining the Foreign Assets in each country for which the Custodian is serving as Foreign Custody Manager of the Fund, and the Board shall be deemed to be monitoring on a continuing basis such Country Risk to the extent that the Board considers necessary or appropriate. The Fund and the Custodian each expressly acknowledge that the Foreign Custody Manager shall not be delegated any responsibilities under this Article 3 with respect to Mandatory Securities Depositories.