Gulf South definition
Examples of Gulf South in a sentence
Stone Pigman is known for its pre-eminent litigation practice throughout the Gulf South and the nation.
Over the last several years, Stone Pigman has emerged as a major, full-service regional law firm in the Gulf South.
Service is subject to and governed by the applicable Rate Schedule and the General Terms and Conditions of the Gulf South FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff") as they exist or may be modified from time to time and such are incorporated by reference.
Once the pro rata calculations have been determined for each Customer, Gulf South will use the supply and market rankings submitted by the Customer to reduce the nominations and confirm the scheduled volumes with the Confirming Party at each location.
Because this concentration includes biological science courses in addition to most of the courses required for the chemistry major, it also provides a broader background for chemistry students who wish to terminate their training at the baccalaureate level.Biochemistry Concentration Requirements (17 credits): Students in the biochemistry concentration complete the follow- ing courses rather than the electives listed under category C.