Examples of Gulf State in a sentence
Group 1: If you are based in Europe, and EU Member State, North America, a Gulf State, India, the Middle East, Australasia, Singapore, South Africa, China, Hong Kong or Malaysia your Registration Fee will be £50.00 Pounds Sterling.
Furthermore, Gulf State Park, which, although isolated, is capable of holding a self-sustaining population of mice due to its size, could prove important in the event of unforeseen threats to connected populations on the Fort Morgan Peninsula, such as disease.
Several commentersquestioned why Gulf State Park should be included in the proposal when there are currently no ABM and the habitat is susceptible to flooding during hurricane events.Our Response: Critical habitat in GulfState Park represents the easternmost extent of the present-day ABM range.Gulf State Park was occupied at the time of listing, and possesses all PCEs except PCE 5.
When the ABM was listed, we designated approximately 1,034 ac (418 ha) of critical habitat, spread into three zones: (1) Areas south of State Road (SR) 180 in the Fort Morgan State Historic Site and some adjacent private land, (2)areas 500 feet (ft) (150 meters (m)) inland from mean high tide from Kiva Dunes east to Laguna Key, including portions of the Bon Secour NWR, and(3) areas south of S.R. 182 in Gulf State Park.
Dune Restoration and Management Plan: Gulf State Park Infrastructure Improvements and Restoration, Gulf Shores, Alabama.
The USFWS (1987) originally identified three areas of critical habitat for the mouse, including: o Gulf State Park West, Florida Point in Alabama (GSP)o Perdido Key State Park (PKSP) and adjacent privately owned landso Johnson Beach section of the GUIS PKBM designated critical habitat was revised October 12, 2006 (71 FR 60238) and was expanded to include habitat on private lands.
The historic range of the PKBM included coastal dunes extending from Gulf State Park-Florida Point in Baldwin County, Alabama to the eastern terminus of GUIS-Johnson’s Beach in Escambia County, Florida.
Mechanics worked from 7.00am to 7.00pm and workloads could be adjusted according to demand;• Renewal notices were issued to drivers 2 months in advance giving them ample time in which to book tests;• A quarterly report could be presented to Members of the Committee and to the Trade Forum with details of the number of tests completed as well as the number of appointments missed by drivers.
COGS shall hold harmless and indemnify Valor Hospitality Partners LLC., the Lodge at the Gulf State Park, and any and all of their agents or employees, from any and all liabilities or damages of any nature, arising out of any injury, death, property damage or other claims and demands of any nature arising pursuant to this Agreement.
Florida Point is part of the Gulf State Park (GSP) complex on Perdido Key in Alabama.