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HA Pair definition

HA Pair means two identical storage controllers that are configured to serve data independently during normal operation, and in the event of an individual controller failure provide high availability by transferring data processes from the failed storage controller to the surviving controller.
HA Pair means Two (2) Firewall Software instances working together in active-active or active-passive mode;
HA Pair means Two (2) Firewall Devices working together in active-active or active-passive mode; “Incident” means an unplanned interruption to a Service or deterioration in the normal quality of a Service;

Examples of HA Pair in a sentence

  • Setup Per Setup per Web App Firewall Device (HA Pair = 1 Device) 1-10 $2,300 $2,987 Example 1: In a given month total quantity ordered for RU Ref No. 1.26 equal 3 devices installed.

  • Local Basic or Advanced and Regional Web UI Step 1 Create a cluster for the backup server.Step 2 From the Deploy menu, choose HA under the DNS submenu to open the View/Add HA DNS Server Pair page.Step 3 Click the Add HA Pair icon in the HA Pairs pane to open the Add HA DNS Server dialog box.Step 4 Enter the name of the server pair in the name field.

  • All requests to change the Policies or configuration of the firewall must be submitted on the standard change request form, the following changes are all considered as one standard change: • Loading of additional patches onto one (1) Firewall Device or HA Pair (GTT will implement critical and security patches by default as a standard part of the managed service).

  • Line #10Subscription Advanced URL Filtering, 1- year, PA-5220, HA Pair Renewal.

  • For Serial Number: 013201001379PAN-SVC-PLAT-5220-R18/1/22-7/31/202317Subscription Advanced URL Filtering, 1- year, PA-5220, HA Pair Renewal.

  • For Serial Number: 016201012146PAN-PA-3220-TP-HA2- R18/1/22-7/31/202341Subscription Advanced URL Filtering, 1-year PA-3220, HA Pair Renewal.

  • For Serial Number: 013201013342PAN-PA-5220-GP-HA2- R18/1/22-7/31/202327Subscription Advanced URL Filtering, 1- year, PA-5220, HA Pair Renewal.

  • For Serial Number: 013201012013PAN-PA-5220-TP-HA2- R18/1/22-7/31/202320Subscription Advanced URL Filtering, 1-year PA-5220, HA Pair Renewal.

  • This feature will permit Customer to route inbound and outbound traffic through a redundantly-provisioned backup Verizon SBC HA Pair in the event of an outage on the primary Verizon SBC HA Pair, or an outage affecting Customer Facilities or Equipment that necessitates secondary routing.

  • For Serial Number: 016201012218PAN-PA-3220-TP-HA2- R18/1/22-7/31/202347Subscription Advanced URL Filtering, 1- year, PA-3220, HA Pair Renewal.

Related to HA Pair

  • Key Pair means a Private Key and associated Public Key.

  • Modular building manufacturer means a person or corporation who owns or operates a

  • Distributed generation facility means a facility owned and operated by a member of the Cooperative for the production of electrical energy that:

  • Designated operational area means a geographic area designated by the combatant commander or subordinate joint force commander for the conduct or support of specified military operations.

  • Existing manufactured home park or subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed before the effective date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by a community.

  • New manufactured home park or subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed on or after the effective date of this ordinance or the effective date of the initial floodplain management ordinance and includes any subsequent improvements to such structure.

  • Cannabis cultivation facility means a person that:

  • Clean coal technology demonstration project means a project using funds appropriated under the heading “Department of Energy—Clean Coal Technology,” up to a total amount of $2,500,000,000 for commercial demonstration of clean coal technology, or similar projects funded through appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency. The federal contribution for a qualifying project shall be at least 20 percent of the total cost of the demonstration project.

  • Existing Manufactured Home Park or Manufactured Home Subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) was completed before the initial effective date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by the community.

  • Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act land-disturbing activity means a land-disturbing activity including clearing, grading, or excavation that results in a land disturbance equal to or greater than 2,500 square feet and less than one acre in all areas of jurisdictions designated as subject to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations (9VAC25-830) adopted pursuant to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act.

  • Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision means the preparation of additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads).

  • Regulatory Floodway means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height.

  • Manufactured dwelling park means a place where four or more manufactured dwellings

  • Long-term acute care facility (LTAC) means a facility or Hospital that provides care to people with complex medical needs requiring long-term Hospital stay in an acute or critical setting.

  • Cogeneration facility means a power plant in which the heat or steam is also used for industrial or commercial heating or cooling purposes and that meets Federal Energy Regulatory Commission standards for qualifying facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16

  • Floodplain or flood-prone area means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source. See "Flood or flooding."

  • Planned Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective Interconnection Service Agreement and has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close.

  • Water-dependent use means a use or portion of a use which cannot exist in a location that is not adjacent to the water and which is dependent on the water by reason of the intrinsic nature of its operations.

  • On-site generation facility means a generation facility,

  • Terminal disease means an incurable and irreversible disease that has been medically confirmed and will, within reasonable medical judgment, produce death within six months.

  • Building, structure, facility, or installation means all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) except the activities of any vessel. Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same major group (i.e., which have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).

  • Dairy farm means any place or premises where 1 or more dairy animals are kept for milking purposes, and from which a part or all of the milk is provided, sold, or offered for sale.

  • Planned External Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned External Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective agreement that is the equivalent of an Interconnection Service Agreement, has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close, and has secured at least 50 percent of the MWs of firm transmission service required to qualify such resource under the deliverability requirements of the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Air navigation facility means any facility, other than one owned and operated by the United States, used in, available for use in, or designed for use in aid of air navigation, including any structures, mechanisms, lights, beacons, markers, communicating systems, or other instrumentalities or devices used or useful as an aid, or constituting an advantage or convenience to the safe taking off, navigation, and landing of aircraft, or the safe and efficient operation or maintenance of an airport, and any combination of any or all of such facilities.

  • Acquisition Facility the Acquisition Facility Commitments and the extensions of credit thereunder.

  • Generation Interconnection Facilities Study means a Facilities Study related to a Generation Interconnection Request.