Halogenated hydrocarbon definition

Halogenated hydrocarbon means any hydrocarbon where at least one hydrogen atom is substituted by a halogen atom.
Halogenated hydrocarbon means an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon in which one or more hydrogen atoms is substituted by fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine.
Halogenated hydrocarbon means any hydrocarbon compound containing halogens, including fluorine, chlorine, bromine and/or iodine;

Examples of Halogenated hydrocarbon in a sentence

  • Furthermore, international civil society can support the countervailing powers within systems to promote equity, accountability and access.

  • Halogenated hydrocarbon type of extinguisher shall not be used as extinguishant.

  • Halogenated hydrocarbon testing * shall be performed after each c.

  • Halogenated hydrocarbon (halon) Hre extinguishing agents extinguish a fire by breaking down the chemical reaction of the fire.

  • Halogenated hydrocarbon detector” means a portable device capable of detecting vapor concentrations of perchloroethylene of 25 parts per million by volume and indicating a concentration of 25 parts per million by volume or greater by emitting an audible or visual signal that varies as the concentration changes.

  • The scope of the research project covered the following systems: Automatic Sprinkler Fire suppression/extinguishing system Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas fire suppression system Fire detection System Telemetry Equipment (Electronic System) Portable fire extinguishers The decommissioning of Halogenated hydrocarbon agents (Halon) gas suppression system and Hydro fluorocarbon (also known as FM 200) fire suppression installation.

  • Halogenated hydrocarbon testing shall be performed after each complete or partial replacement of a charcoal adsorber bank or after any structural caintenance on the system housing which could af fect the charccal adsorber bank bypass leakage, d.

  • The solubility of the active substances as manufactured in the following organic solvents at 15 to 25 °C must be determined and reported if less than 250 g/kg; the temperature applied must be specified: — Aliphatic hydrocarbon: preferably n-heptane, — Aromatic hydrocarbon: preferably xylene, — Halogenated hydrocarbon: preferably 1,2-dichlorethane, — Alcohol: preferably methanol or isopropyl alcohol, — Ketone: preferably acetone, — Ester: preferably ethyl acetate.

  • Halogenated hydrocarbon anesthetics NMBs by exerting a stabilization effect at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).

  • Unsuitable extinguishing media:Powder, Halogenated hydrocarbon, ABC powder.

Related to Halogenated hydrocarbon

  • Hydrocarbon means a compound consisting of hydrogen and carbon, which, when naturally occurring, may also contain other elements such as sulphur;

  • Total hydrocarbons (THC) means the sum of all volatile compounds measurable by a flame ionization detector (FID).

  • Hydrocarbons means oil, gas, casinghead gas, drip gasoline, natural gasoline, condensate, distillate, liquid hydrocarbons, gaseous hydrocarbons and all products refined or separated therefrom.

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol means the same as that term is defined in § 3.2-4112.

  • plant products means products of plant origin, unprocessed or having undergone simple preparation in so far as these are not plants, set out in Annex IV-A, Part 3 to this Agreement;

  • Oil ’ means oil of any kind or in any form, including, but not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, and oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil;

  • CO2 means carbon dioxide.

  • Airborne radioactive material means any radioactive material dispersed in the air in the form of dusts, fumes, particulates, mists, vapors, or gases.

  • Condensate means hydrocarbon liquid separated from natural gas which condenses due to changes in the temperature or pressure and remains liquid at standard conditions.

  • Gas means natural gas, manufactured gas, synthetic natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or propane-air gas, or a mixture of any of them, but does not include a liquefied petroleum gas that is distributed by means other than a pipeline;

  • Bulk gasoline plant means a gasoline storage and distribution facility with an average daily throughput of 20,000 gallons (76,000 liters) of gasoline or less on a 30-day rolling average.

  • Feedstock means any controlled substance or new substance that undergoes chemical transformation in a process in which it is entirely converted from its original composition and whose emissions are insignificant,

  • Biological Samples means any physical samples obtained from Study Participants in accordance with the Protocol for the purposes of the Study.

  • Feedstock Gas means natural gas used as a raw material for its chemical properties in creating an end product.

  • Biomass means the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from biological origin from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste;

  • Nitrogen oxides means nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);

  • High global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons means any hydrofluorocarbons in a particular end use for which EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program has identified other acceptable alternatives that have lower global warming potential. The SNAP list of alternatives is found at 40 CFR Part 82 subpart G with supplemental tables of alternatives available at (http://www.epa.gov/snap/).

  • Hydrofluorocarbons means compounds that only contain hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon.

  • Radioactive material means any solid, liquid, or gas which emits radiation spontaneously.

  • Radioactive Products or Waste means any radioactive material produced in, or any material made radioactive by exposure to the radiation incidental to the production or utilisation of nuclear fuel, but does not include radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose.

  • Geothermal fluid means water in any form at temperatures greater than 120

  • Carbon dioxide or “CO2” means the most common of the six primary greenhouse gases, consisting on a molecular level of a single carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

  • Vapor product means any:

  • Total tetrahydrocannabinol means the same as that term is defined in § 3.2-4112.

  • Gathering System means that portion of Gatherer’s pipeline system, including all appurtenances thereto, related to the provision of gathering and transportation services provided by Gatherer pursuant to this tariff.

  • Crude Oil means any liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally in the earth whether or not treated to render it suitable for transportation and includes: