Examples of Health Benefits Fund in a sentence
New England Carpenters Health Benefits Fund, 582 F.3d 30, 44 (1st Cir.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville: There is hereby appropriated from the Health Benefits Fund sums received by said Fund from individual departments and agencies for the payment of health and medical benefit program costs, and for insurance covering such costs, and in addition, for the accumulation of a reserve for future expenditures to pay for such health and medical benefit program costs.
The Federal agency shall deposit currently in the Employ- ee’s Life Insurance Fund, the Employee’s Health Benefits Fund or other applicable health bene- fits system, respectively, the amount of the Government’s contributions on account of serv- ice with respect to which employee contribu- tions are collected as provided in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph (3).
Retiree health care is accounted for in the Health Benefits Fund, an Internal Service Fund.
If that result is a surplus, the amount of the surplus shall be transferred to the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund established under section 8909a by June 30, 2007.
Estimated premiums are billed to members at the beginning of the policy year and are finalized after year-end with the exception of the Health Benefits Fund, for which premiums are billed and adjusted on a monthly basis.
Health Benefits Fund – The Health Benefits Fund was established July 1, 1994, to provide health and life insurance coverages.
The employee and employer premium sharing contributions shall be made monthly to the Health Benefits Fund.
CalSTRS administers four pension and other employee benefit trust funds: the State Teachers’ Retirement Fund; the Teachers’ Health Benefits Fund; the Pension2 Program; and the Teachers’ Deferred Compensation Fund.
It offers secure and convenient way to keep track of the securities and investment over a period of time without the hassle of handling physical documents.