Examples of Health liaison in a sentence
JonesSocial Care, Safeguarding & HealthLead Officer – Julie BoothroydSupport Officers – Eve Parkinson, Jane Rodgers Children’s Services Fostering & Adoption; Youth Offending Service; Adults ServicesWhole Authority Safeguarding (children & adults);Disabilities; Mental Health; Health liaison.
People wishing to make a submission could obtain the Review’s terms of reference by writing, telephoning or faxing the Review’s Ministry of Health liaison officer, or by copying or downloading them from the Centre for Harm Reduction’s website.No submissions were received by the closing date of Friday 7th June 2002.
Attachments LDP Route 11 8.9.2023.pdf6.c. Letter of Agreement for Student Assistance Program (SAP) Services Administration recommends approving the renewal Letter of Agreement between Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center on behalf of its Teenline Program through an agreement with Cumberland/Perry MH.IDD, in the delivery of Student Assistance Program (SAP) services and to provide Mental Health liaison services to the District's SAP teams as outlined in the attachments.
JonesSocial Care, Safeguarding & Health Children; Adult; Fostering & Adoption; Youth offending service; Supporting people; Whole authority safeguarding; Disabilities; Mental health; Public Health; Health liaison RaglanP.
The agreement maintains a cooperative relationship in the delivery of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) services and also to provide Mental Health liaison services to the Big Spring School District SAP teams.
Harrogate Hospital now has a 24/7 Mental Health liaison service within its A&E department.Operationalise the North Yorkshire Perinatal Mental Health service.The North Yorkshire and York Perinatal Mental Health Specialist Team commenced service delivery in January 2019.
Mental Health LiaisonMental Health liaison services have been in place across both General Hospital sites in East Sussex since 2008.
Digital copies were also sent to the target population via Central Health liaison Mr. Doug Prince.Paper copies of the mailed-out survey were shredded utilising the services of Iron Mountain Data & Records Management Company that disposes of confidential documents from Central Health facilities.
JonesSocial Care, Safeguarding & Health Children; Adult; Fostering & adoption; Youth offending service; Supporting people; Whole Authority safeguarding (children & adults); Disabilities; Mental Health; Public Health; Health liaison.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health liaison service in the hospital from 4pm-midnight seven days a week will be reinstated with CCG funding now agreed.