Hedging Fee definition

Hedging Fee means the fee equal to a maximum of 3 per cent of the Issue Price payable by a Warrant Holder to the relevant Issuer upon purchase of the Warrants as set out in the agreement between the relevant Issuer and Warrant Holder.
Hedging Fee means 1.50 per cent. (1.50%), expressed as 0.0150.
Hedging Fee means 0.90 per cent. (expressed as 0.009).

Examples of Hedging Fee in a sentence

  • Hedging Fee Factor(t) (t from 1 to T)means Product(for i from 1 to t) (1 – (Factor_2(i-1) + Factor_Gap(i-1) + Factor_Collat(i-1)) x (Act(i-1;i) / 360)), as defined in Condition 1.4.8 of the Additional Terms and Conditions relating to Formulae.

  • Issue Price per Hedging Option 10 EUR (excluding Hedging Fee) 11.

  • FX Hedging Fee Percentage:As specified on the website maintained on behalf of the Issuer at www.etc.dws.com (or such other website as may be notified to Securityholders in accordance with Condition 19 from timeto time).(ii) Maximum FX Hedging Fee Percentage:1.5per cent.

  • The commenter explained that such an assessment must evaluate the vulnerability of the nuclear power plant’s computer systems and the potential consequences.

  • Notes may be early redeemed on the Optional Redemption Date in accordance with the following provisions in respect of each Note: Optional Redemption Amount = Specified Denomination x Level(t1) x Hedging Fee Factor(t1) x FXRate(0) / FXRate(t1) x 100 Definitions relating to the Optional Redemption Amount are set out in paragraph 27(ii) ”Definitions relating to the Product”.

  • Fees and expenses” refers to: Management Fees, Operating, Administrative and Servicing Expenses and the Operating Share Class Currency Hedging Fee, if applicable, as further described in Section 2.11.

  • The Programme Administrator has certain discretions to adjust the levels of the Base Fee Percentage and the FX Hedging Fee Percentage from time to time (and, therefore, the Product Fee Percentage).

  • This bill would revise and recast these provisions by renaming the board of governors as the board of trustees and would also revise the composition of the board to include no more than 23 members and no less than 19 members, as specified and determined by the State Bar, to include the existing 6 public members 94 appointed by the Governor and the Legislature and 13 attorney members.

  • The Programme Counterparty may increase the Base Fee Percentage to an amount not higher than the Maximum Base Fee Percentage and, if applicable, the FX Hedging Fee Percentage to an amount not higher than the Maximum FX Hedging Fee Percentage, provided that Securityholders shall be given not less than 30 calendar days‟ prior notice of any such increase.

  • FX Hedging Fee Percentage:As specified on the website maintained on behalf of the Issuer at www.etc.dws.com(or such other website as may be notified to Securityholders in accordance with Condition 19 from timeto time).(ii) Maximum FX Hedging Fee Percentage:1.5 per cent.

Related to Hedging Fee

  • Hedging Costs means the hedging costs between the reference currency of the Unit class and the base currency of the Sub-fund, corresponding to the difference (in percentage terms), on each Valuation Date, between (i) the price of the 3-month maturity exchange rate between the reference currency of the Unit class and the base currency of the Sub-fund, and (ii) the spot rate of the same exchange rate.

  • Hedging Counterparty means HSBC Bank plc or any Affiliate of HSBC Bank plc or any other party

  • Hedging Arrangement means a hedge, call, swap, collar, floor, cap, option, forward sale or purchase or other contract or similar arrangement (including any obligations to purchase or sell any commodity or security at a future date for a specific price) which is entered into to reduce or eliminate or otherwise protect against the risk of fluctuations in prices or rates, including interest rates, foreign exchange rates, commodity prices and securities prices.

  • Hedging Obligation of any Person means any obligation of such Person pursuant to any Interest Rate Agreement, Currency Exchange Protection Agreement, Commodity Price Protection Agreement or any other similar agreement or arrangement.

  • Hedging Event means, with respect to the Notes, the occurrence of an event that has a material adverse effect on Royal Bank’s ability to place, maintain or modify any hedge, including without limitation:

  • Forward Hedge Amount means, for any Forward, the amount specified as such in the Placement Notice for such Forward (as amended by the corresponding Acceptance, if applicable), which amount shall be the target Aggregate Sales Price of the Forward Hedge Securities to be sold by the Forward Seller in respect of such Forward, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

  • Hedging Contract means (a) any agreement providing for options, swaps, floors, caps, collars, forward sales or forward purchases involving interest rates, commodities or commodity prices, equities, currencies, bonds, or indexes based on any of the foregoing, (b) any option, futures or forward contract traded on an exchange, and (c) any other derivative agreement or other similar agreement or arrangement.

  • Interest Rate Hedging Agreement means any interest rate protection agreement or other interest rate hedging arrangement.

  • Hedge Breakage Costs For any Hedge Transaction, any amount payable by the Seller for the early termination of that Hedge Transaction or any portion thereof.

  • Net Hedging Obligations means, as of any date, the Termination Value of any such Hedging Agreement on such date.

  • Hedging Arrangements means, with respect to any Person, any agreements or other arrangements (including interest rate swap agreements, interest rate cap agreements and forward sale agreements) entered into to protect that Person against changes in interest rates or the market value of assets.

  • Hedging Agreement means any interest rate protection agreement, foreign currency exchange agreement, commodity price protection agreement or other interest or currency exchange rate or commodity price hedging arrangement.

  • Hedging Obligations means, with respect to any specified Person, the obligations of such Person under:

  • Rate Hedging Obligations of a Person means any and all obligations of such Person, whether absolute or contingent and howsoever and whensoever created, arising, evidenced or acquired (including all renewals, extensions and modifications thereof and substitutions therefor), under (a) any and all Rate Hedging Agreements, and (b) any and all cancellations, buy backs, reversals, terminations or assignments of any Rate Hedging Agreement.

  • Hedging Termination Value means, in respect of any one or more Hedging Contracts, after taking into account the effect of any legally enforceable netting agreement relating to such Hedging Contracts, (a) for any date on or after the date such Hedging Contracts have been closed out and termination value(s) determined in accordance therewith, such termination value(s), and (b) for any date prior to the date referenced in clause (a), the amount(s) determined as the xxxx-to-market value(s) for such Hedging Contracts, as determined based upon one or more mid-market or other readily available quotations provided by any recognized dealer in such Hedging Contracts (which may include a Lender or any Affiliate of a Lender).

  • Rate Hedging Agreement means an agreement, device or arrangement providing for payments which are related to fluctuations of interest rates, exchange rates or forward rates, including, but not limited to, dollar-denominated or cross-currency interest rate exchange agreements, forward currency exchange agreements, interest rate cap or collar protection agreements, forward rate currency or interest rate options, puts and warrants.

  • Interest Rate Hedge Agreement any interest rate swap agreement, interest rate cap, collar or other arrangement between the Borrower and a Hedge Provider, consisting of a “Master Agreement” in a form published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., together with a “Schedule” thereto in substantially such form as the Program Agent shall have approved, each “Confirmation” thereunder confirming the terms of each transaction thereunder and any credit support annex and schedule thereto.

  • Hedging Party means at any relevant time, the Issuer, or any of its affiliates or any other party providing the Issuer directly or indirectly with hedging arrangements in relation to the Notes as the Issuer may select at such time.

  • Hedging Transaction of any Person shall mean (a) any transaction (including an agreement with respect to any such transaction) now existing or hereafter entered into by such Person that is a rate swap transaction, swap option, basis swap, forward rate transaction, commodity swap, commodity option, equity or equity index swap or option, bond option, interest rate option, foreign exchange transaction, cap transaction, floor transaction, collar transaction, currency swap transaction, cross-currency rate swap transaction, currency option, spot transaction, credit protection transaction, credit swap, credit default swap, credit default option, total return swap, credit spread transaction, repurchase transaction, reverse repurchase transaction, buy/sell-back transaction, securities lending transaction, or any other similar transaction (including any option with respect to any of these transactions) or any combination thereof, whether or not any such transaction is governed by or subject to any master agreement and (b) any and all transactions of any kind, and the related confirmations, which are subject to the terms and conditions of, or governed by, any form of master agreement published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., any International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement, or any other master agreement (any such master agreement, together with any related schedules, a “Master Agreement”), including any such obligations or liabilities under any Master Agreement.

  • Hedging Agreements means, collectively, interest rate protection agreements, equity index agreements, foreign currency exchange agreements, option agreements or other interest or exchange rate or commodity price hedging agreements (other than forward contracts for the delivery of power or gas written by the Borrower to its jurisdictional and wholesale customers in the ordinary course of business).

  • Interest Swap and Hedging Obligation means any obligation of any Person pursuant to any interest rate swap agreement, interest rate cap agreement, interest rate collar agreement, interest rate exchange agreement, currency exchange agreement or any other agreement or arrangement designed to protect against fluctuations in interest rates or currency values, including, without limitation, any arrangement whereby, directly or indirectly, such Person is entitled to receive from time to time periodic payments calculated by applying either a fixed or floating rate of interest on a stated notional amount in exchange for periodic payments made by such Person calculated by applying a fixed or floating rate of interest on the same notional amount.

  • Currency Hedge Obligations means, at any time as to any Person, the obligations of such Person at such time that were incurred in the ordinary course of business pursuant to any foreign currency exchange agreement, option or futures contract or other similar agreement or arrangement designed to protect against or manage such Person’s or any of its Subsidiaries’ exposure to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates.

  • Hedging Disruption means that the Issuer is unable, after using commercially reasonable efforts, to (A) acquire, establish, re-establish, substitute, maintain, unwind or dispose of any transaction(s) or asset(s) it deems necessary to hedge the risk of issuing and performing its obligations with respect to the Securities, or (B) realise, recover or remit the proceeds of any such transaction(s) or asset(s).

  • Swap Agreement Obligations means any and all obligations of the Loan Parties and their Subsidiaries, whether absolute or contingent and howsoever and whensoever created, arising, evidenced or acquired (including all renewals, extensions and modifications thereof and substitutions therefor), under (a) any Swap Agreement permitted hereunder with a Lender or an Affiliate of a Lender, and (b) any cancellations, buy backs, reversals, terminations or assignments of any Swap Agreement transaction permitted hereunder with a Lender or an Affiliate of a Lender.

  • Commodity Hedging Agreement means any agreement for the making or taking of delivery of any commodity, any commodity swap agreement, floor, cap or collar agreement or commodity future or option or other similar agreement or arrangement, or any combination thereof, entered into by the applicable Person, primarily for the purpose of mitigating or eliminating exposure to fluctuations in commodity prices.

  • Hedge Agreement means (a) any and all rate swap transactions, basis swaps, credit derivative transactions, forward rate transactions, commodity swaps, commodity options, forward commodity contracts, equity or equity index swaps or options, bond or bond price or bond index swaps or options or forward bond or forward bond price or forward bond index transactions, interest rate options, forward foreign exchange transactions, cap transactions, floor transactions, collar transactions, currency swap transactions, cross-currency rate swap transactions, currency options, spot contracts, or any other similar transactions or any combination of any of the foregoing (including any options to enter into any of the foregoing), whether or not any such transaction is governed by or subject to any master agreement, and (b) any and all transactions of any kind, and the related confirmations, which are subject to the terms and conditions of, or governed by, any form of master agreement published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., any International Foreign Exchange Master Agreement, or any other master agreement.