Examples of Highest number of votes in a sentence
Highest number of votes elects.14 Unless otherwise expressly provided by the laws of this state, in all elections for the choice15 of any officer, the personindividual receiving the highest number of votes for any office must16 beis deemed to have been elected to that office.17 SECTION 7.
Highest number of votes elects.9 Unless otherwise expressly provided by the laws of this state, in all elections for the choice10 of any officer, the personindividual receiving the highest number of votes for any office must11 beis deemed to have been elected to that office.12 SECTION 9.
Highest number of votes elects.Unless otherwise expressly provided by the laws of this state, in all elections for the choice of any officer, the individual receiving the highest number of votes for any office is deemed elected to that office.
Highest number of votes elects.Unless otherwise expressly provided by the laws of this state, in all elections for the choice of any officer, the person receiving the highest number of votes for any office must be deemed to have been elected to that office.
Highest number of votes is President, then Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Officer at Large, and Officer at Large, respectively.
The assignment of positions shall be based on the following procedure: Highest number of votes 2 year Board membership Next highest 1 year Board membership if vacant, or (2) year Board alternate Next highest 2 year Board alternate if not filled by second highest vote, or a year Board alternate if vacancy exists Next highest 1 year Board alternate if vacancy exists All ties shall be decided by lot (chance) in the presence of the candidates involved and under the direction of the election authorities.
When arrested herders are usually fined which is often paid by stockowners seeking to release their herders.
Definition of voting majorities: Present votes at the General Assembly: all registered votes at the beginning of a General Assembly; 2/3 majority: At least 2/3 of present votes; Absolute majority: 50% plus one vote of present votes; Highest number of votes: highest number of all present votes.
Highest number of votes will determine the staggered terms accordingly.
Highest number of votes elects.16 Unless otherwise expressly provided by the laws of this state, in all elections for the choice17 of any officer, the personindividual receiving the highest number of votes for any office must18 beis deemed to have been elected to that office.19 SECTION 7.