Examples of Highly automated vehicle in a sentence
It further states of the term Highly automated vehicle that: “[It] refers to a vehicle equipped with an automated driving system.
Highly automated vehicle systems (levels 4 or 5) will be equipped with C-ITS technology and will require the necessary communication and road infrastructure to be connected and safely operate high or fully automated driving level systems.
The following sensors are used (please refer to D6.1 [32] and D6.2 [36] for more details on the systems): Infrastructure Sensor 1 (commercial road surveillance system) Infrastructure Sensor 2 (Hemispheric Camera) Highly automated vehicle 1 (FASCarE) Highly automated vehicle 2 (ViewCar2) The infrastructure equipment of DLR includes a road side surveillance system build by a third party (commercial road surveillance system) and a self-tailored experimental system.
Highly automated vehicle technology is not a major focus for Ricardo (as opposed to active safety), but it has been involved in some projects such as the SARTRE road-train demonstration.49 Ricardo has hinted that it plans to grow its connected and automated vehicle portfolio through its new Silicon Valley Tech Center.50 Roush Industries, Inc.