Examples of SAE J3016 in a sentence
Note: the terms “temporarily” and “sustained” can be derived from SAE J3016 (2021), term 3.28, as below: 3.28 SUSTAINED [OPERATION OF A VEHICLE]: Performance of part or all of the DDT both between and across external events, including responding to external events and continuing performance of part or all of the DDT in the absence of external events.
When documentation is studied or EMRs are developed, consideration should also be made for which settings and end-users will be the recipients of the documentation.
Note: Some other jurisdictions may use similar or different classifications than those in [SAE J3016]).
ERTRAC acknowledges the definitions of SAE J3016 defining the Levels of Automated Driving.
The full document can be found at: https://www.nhtsa.gov/ sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/documents/ 13069a-ads2.0_090617_v9a_tag.pdf.The Voluntary Guidance adopts theSAE International (SAE) J3016 standard’s definitions for levels of automation.