Historically Disadvantaged Individuals definition

Historically Disadvantaged Individuals means a person historically disadvantaged by unfair discrimination on the basis of race: Provided that a person historically disadvantaged on the basis of race refers to Africans, Coloureds, Indians and people of Chinese descent who are South African citizens by birth or descent; or who became citizens of the Republic of South Africa by Naturalisation -
Historically Disadvantaged Individuals means all South African citizens:who had no franchise in national elections prior to the introduction of the 1983 and 1993 constitutions;women; ordisabled persons;
Historically Disadvantaged Individuals means all South African citizens:

Examples of Historically Disadvantaged Individuals in a sentence

  • Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI’s) and Local Businesses will receive preferential judication.

  • In terms of Regulation 4 (1) and 5 (1) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, preference points must be awarded to a bidder for attaining the Specific Goal/s in accordance with the table below: NB: Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI) goal may not be chosen together with Persons living with disabilities and/or Women (as the definition of HDI includes both Women and Persons living with disabilities).

  • This Act provides for the implementation of a policy and a system where bids (tenders) are not awarded purely on meeting specifications or having the lowest price, but on a prescribed points system were preference is given to Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI's).

  • Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI) (a) Persons who had no franchise in national elections before the 2 points 1983 and 1993 Constitutions (b) Who is a female: 1 point SERVICES: CIVILNote:The National Department of Public Works: Head Office: Tender section moved offices.New collecting and closing address:Public Works House (old TPA Building), cnr.

  • Table 3.15.4 Analysis of consultant appointments using donor funds, in terms of Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDIs) for the period 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014 Not applicable, as no consultants were appointed using donor funds in the year under review.

  • Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI) (a) Persons who had no franchise in the national elections before 2 points the 1983 and 1993 Constitutions (b) Who is a female: 1 point G09-105655—B SERVICES: ELECTRICALNote:The National Department of Public Works: Head Office: Tender section moved offices.New collecting and closing address:Public Works House (old TPA Building), cnr.

  • Table 3.15.1 Report on consultant appointments using appropriated funds form 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Table 3.15.2 Analysis of consultant appointments using appropriated funds, in terms of Historically Disadvantaged Individuals from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 Table 3.15.3 Report on consultant appointments using donor funds for the period 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014 No consultants were appointed using donor funds in the year under review.

  • CDPs can also be traced back to 1995 when the National Department of Public Works (NDPW) introduced programmes aimed at assisting contracting organisations owned by Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDIs) to develop their technical and managerial skills (NDPW 2007).

  • Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI) (a) Persons who had no franchise in national elections before the 6 points 1983 and 1993 Constitutions (b) Who is a female 3 pointsCape TownCPT 1029/092010-04-28 SERVICES: ELECTRICAL Professional Electrical Engineering Services to survey existing facilities and needs: Standby generators: Emergency projects.This bid will be evaluated in terms of:90/10 point scoring system Preference: 1.

  • Inthe case of potential small-scale commercial fisheries (targeting Historically Disadvantaged Individuals or new entrants) MCM would have to take on the responsibility for acquiring this information and presenting such information to the participants.

More Definitions of Historically Disadvantaged Individuals

Historically Disadvantaged Individuals. – means a South African citizen who:-
Historically Disadvantaged Individuals means an individual who lacks adequate access to financial products or financial services for reasons other than their economic status.
Historically Disadvantaged Individuals means a South African citizen :

Related to Historically Disadvantaged Individuals

  • Historically disadvantaged individuals (HDIs means all South African citizens –

  • Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI) - means a South African citizen:

  • Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI) means a South African citizen -

  • Economically disadvantaged individual means an individual who is either: (1) eligible for services under the Workforce Investment Act of 1988 (WIA) (29 U.S.C.A 2801 et seq.), as determined by the San Francisco Private Industry Council; or (2) designated “economically disadvantaged” for the First Source Hiring Administration, as an individual who is at risk of relying upon, or returning to, public assistance.

  • Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individuals means those individuals who are citizens of the United Stated (or lawfully admitted permanent residents) and who are women, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, or Asian-Indian Americans and any other minorities of individuals found to be disadvantaged by the Small Business Administration pursuant to Section 8 (a) of the Small Business Act, RIPTA shall make a rebuttal presumption the individuals in the following groups are socially and economically disadvantaged. RIPTA may also determine, on a case-by-case basis, that individuals who are not a member of one of the following groups are socially and economically disadvantaged:

  • Socially and economically disadvantaged individual means any individual who is a citizen (or lawfully admitted permanent resident) of the United States and who is —

  • Economically disadvantaged means a pupil who has been determined eligible for free or reduced-price meals as determined under the Richard B. Russell national school lunch act, 42 USC 1751 to 1769j; who is in a household receiving supplemental nutrition assistance program or temporary assistance for needy families assistance; or who is homeless, migrant, or in foster care, as reported to the center.

  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) means a small business concern pursuant to ORS 200.005(1), which is at least 51 percent owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, or, in the case of any corporation, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of the socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who own it.

  • Small disadvantaged business concern means a small business concern that represents, as part of its offer that—

  • Disadvantaged Business means a small business concern: (a) which is at least 51 percent owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individual(s) or in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individual(s); and (b) whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of the socially and economically disadvantaged individual(s) who own it. It is important to note that the business owners themselves must control the operations of the business. Absentee ownership or title ownership by an individual who does not take an active role in controlling the business is not consistent with eligibility as a DBE under CFR 49 Part 26.71.

  • Socially and economically disadvantaged person means an individual who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States and who is Black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian, Female; or a member of another group or an individual found to be disadvantaged by the Small Business Administration pursuant to Section 3 of the Small Business Act.

  • Developmentally disabled person means a person who has a disability defined in RCW 71A.10.020. RCW 26.44.020

  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise means a for-profit small business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged individuals or, in the case of a corporation, in which 51% of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals; and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who own it.

  • Tipped employee means any employee engaged in an occupation in which s/he customarily and regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips. Tips include amounts designated as a tip by credit card customers on their charge slips. Nothing in this rule prevents an employer from requiring employees to share or allocate such tips or gratuities on a pre-established basis among other employees who customarily and regularly receive tips. Employer-required sharing of tips with employees who do not customarily and regularly receive tips, such as management or food preparers, or deduction of credit card processing fees from tipped employees, shall nullify allowable tip credits towards the minimum wage.

  • Classified employee means an employee in the classified service, or an employee currently on leave from the classified service in accordance with established Merit Rules governing leave.

  • Self-Employed Individual means an individual who has Earned Income for the taxable year from the unincorporated trade, or business or partnership with respect to which the Plan is established; also, an individual who would have had Earned Income but for the fact such trade, business or partnership had no net profits for the taxable year.

  • Disadvantaged Worker means any person who:

  • School employee means (1) a teacher, substitute teacher, school administrator, school superintendent, guidance counselor, psychologist, social worker, nurse, physician, school paraprofessional or coach employed by a local or regional board of education or working in a public elementary, middle or high school; or (2) any other individual who, in the performance of his or her duties, has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in a public elementary, middle or high school, pursuant to a contract with the local or regional board of education.

  • Disabled individual means a person older than 13 years of age who by reason of age or physical or mental disease, defect, or injury is substantially unable to protect the person's self from harm or to provide food, shelter, or medical care for the person's self.

  • Debarred Individual is an individual who has been debarred by the FDA pursuant to 21 U.S.C. §335a (a) or (b) from providing services in any capacity to a person that has an approved or pending drug or biological product application.

  • Disadvantaged community means a community with an annual median household income that is less than 80 percent of the statewide annual median household income.

  • Qualified employment position means a permanent full-time

  • Active Employee means a contributing member of the TRS who is employed by a public school and is not entitled to coverage under a plan provided under Insurance Code Chapter 1551 (Texas Em- ployees Group Benefits Act) or 1601 (State University Employees Uniform Insurance Benefits Act).

  • Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) means a business concern certified as a DVBE by the Office of Small Business Certification and Resources, Department of General Services.

  • Designated Employee means an employee who has been designated by the school to receive complaints of hazing, harassment and bullying pursuant to subdivision 16 V.S.A. 570a(a)(7). The designated employees for each school building are identified in Appendix A of this policy.

  • Excluded Employee means an employee as defined in section 3527, subd. (b) of the Government Code (Ralph C. Dills Act) except those excluded employees who are designated managerial pursuant to section 18801.1 of the Government Code.