Examples of Hole in One in a sentence
If You achieve a Hole in One in an official medal or stableford competition held at the Club during the Period of Insurance, reimbursement of the bar bill incurred on the day of the achievement will be made up to the amount stated in the Schedule.
We shall pay up to the Benefit Limit for bar expenses if You achieve a "Hole in One" whilst playing golf on any recognized golf course outside Singapore and during the Period of Insurance, provided that You supply the bill of bar expenses with a properly authenticated certificate issued by the appropriate golf club and You are not a professional golfer.
The objection must be addressed to the Disputes Resolution Department.Email: disputes@rsismarthome.co.za orPhysical address: RSI Risk Solutions International (Pty) Ltd, Block D, Ruimsig Country Office Park, 129 Hole in One Avenue, Ruimsig North, Mogale City.Postal address: RSI Risk Solutions International (PTY) Ltd, PO box 1181, Ruimsig.1732.Immediately after the 90 days, irrespective of whether you have raised an objection, you have another six months within which to sue RSI.
Special Care1) Golfers Hole in One Celebration2) Automatic Extension of Policy Period3) Home burglary insurance4) Child Return JourneyII- Section EF.
Special Care(a) Golfers Hole in One Celebration(b) Automatic extension for 7 days(c) Home burglary insurance – Building & content when the insured is traveling(d) Child Escort6.
If the player with the most accurate prediction picks the score exactly (i.e., a "Hole in One"), he or she earns 3 additional point bonus (i.e., 6 points total).
Such members are periodically billed $5.00 to maintain a Hole in One fund (the Fund) which supports a “Hole in One” celebrant to sponsor a Dataw Pub bar celebration with other participants in the program.
Special Care1) Golfers Hole in One Celebration2) Automatic Extension of Policy Period3) Burglary (Home Contents)These benefits are not available under the Prime Care Select Plan.II- Section EF.
A detailed list of all skill and prize holes (long drives, closest to the pins, longest putts, etc.) as well as any required Hole in One yardage minimums must be sent to our Tournament Coordinator at least 3 business days in advance of the tournament date.
The MAPGA Professional must be in the Hole in One Pool before the hole in one is made.