Hong Kong Register definition

Hong Kong Register means the Hong Kong overseas branch register of members of Prudential.

Examples of Hong Kong Register in a sentence

  • By its execution of this mortgage the Mortgagor warrants to the Mortgagee that (a) it has power to enter into this mortgage (b) the said ship is free of incumbrances save for any shown in the Hong Kong Register of Ships at the time this mortgage is presented for recording and (c) this mortgage is binding on and enures for the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Mortgagor and Mortgagee.

  • The Company has established the Hong Kong Register since the Introduction which is maintained by the Hong Kong Branch Registrar.

  • Upon completion of the transfer on the Hong Kong Register, the Hong Kong Branch Registrar shall issue the relevant Share certificate(s) and deliver the share certificate(s), along with the required letter of transmittal, to Deutsche Bank AG, as the Custodian; or Upon completion of the transfer on the Cayman Principal Register, the Cayman Islands Principal Registrar shall prepare the relevant Share certificate(s) for the Company to issue and deliver to Deutsche Bank AG, as the Custodian.

  • If you are a Shareholder If Shares held by you are registered in your name and entered into the Hong Kong Register and you wish to continue trading your Shares in the form of ADSs on NASDAQ, you must cause such Shares to be deposited with the Depositary and, upon such deposit, issued in the form of ADSs by completing the physical delivery option under the ADS Deposit Process.

  • Additionally, Shareholders and investors should note that there are other fees and charges associated with the trading of ADSs. LETTER FROM THE BOARD Following the effectiveness of the Proposed De-Listing, the Hong Kong Register will be closed (currently expected to occur on July 17, 2015, Hong Kong time), and the names of the Shareholders appearing on the Hong Kong Register will ultimately be transferred to the Cayman Principal Register.

  • Please note that, following the effectiveness of the Proposed De-Listing, the Hong Kong Register will be closed (currently expected to occur on July 17, 2015, Hong Kong time), and the names of the Shareholders appearing on the Hong Kong Register will ultimately be transferred to the Cayman Principal Register maintained by the Cayman Islands Principal Registrar.

  • Upon receipt of the Share transfer forms, including where appropriate the completed share transfer form(s) executed by HKSCC Nominees Limited, together with the relevant Share certificate(s), the Hong Kong Branch Registrar or the Cayman Islands Principal Registrar, as applicable, shall take all actions necessary to effect the transfer of the Shares into the name of the Depositary on the Hong Kong Register and/or the principal register of members in the Cayman Islands, as applicable.

Related to Hong Kong Register

  • Branch Register means any branch Register of such category or categories of Members as the Company may from time to time determine.

  • Share Register means the register of Holders maintained on behalf of the Trust by the Auction Agent in its capacity as transfer agent and registrar for the APS.

  • Public Register means the College’s register that is available to the public.

  • ADR Register is defined in paragraph (3) of the form of ADR.

  • PPS Register means the Personal Property Securities Register established under the PPSA;

  • Note Register shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 15.

  • Registry means, in relation to each Vessel, the office of the registrar, commissioner or representative of the Flag State, who is duly empowered to register such Vessel, the relevant Owner’s title thereto and the relevant Mortgage under the laws and flag of the Flag State;

  • Central Register has the meaning specified in Section 3.05.

  • Rights Register shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Subsection 2.6(a);

  • Securities Register and "Securities Registrar" have the respective meanings specified in Section 5.4.

  • registered auditor means a person as defined in terms of the Auditing Professions Act, 20015((Act No. 26 of 2005);

  • Land Register means the Land Register compiled under Division 2 of Part II of the Registered Land Law (2004 Revision);

  • Hong Kong means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

  • CVR Register has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(b).

  • Unit Register means the register of the Partnership for the registration and transfer of Limited Partnership Interests as provided in Section 4.5.

  • Hong Kong Listing Rules means the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited;

  • International Registry means the international registry established pursuant to the Cape Town Treaty.

  • National Register of Historic Places means the list of districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering and culture, authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. The list of Properties on the National Register of Historic Places in Florida is available from the Division.

  • Hong Kong Stock Exchange means The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited;

  • Register of Members means the register of Members maintained in accordance with the Statute and includes (except where otherwise stated) any branch or duplicate register of Members.

  • Loan Register Defined in Section 5.4(n).