Honorary Secretary definition

Honorary Secretary means the Honorary Secretary of the Club for the time being.
Honorary Secretary means Honorary Secretary of the Constituent Body for the time being.
Honorary Secretary means the individual appointed as the Honorary

Examples of Honorary Secretary in a sentence

  • The meeting to elect this member shall be attended by one (1) representative from each of those listed at i) – v) above and shall be presided over by the Honorary Secretary, with the Chief Executive or his nominee in attendance, who shall formally call the meeting and notify the Association of the outcome of the election.

  • The request will then be reviewed by the Vice-President and Honorary Secretary for Research and Higher Education, consulting with other members of the Research and Higher Education Committee as appropriate.

  • The Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary shall be termed as the “Executive Officers of the Society” and shall be elected at a meeting of the Committee held within seven days after election at the General Meeting.

  • Suggestions and complaints shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary.

  • For each discipline in the Olympic Games and World Championships a Commission shall be appointed consisting of the respective Technical Delegate (Bureau Liaison) and Chairman, Vice Chairman and Honorary Secretary of each respective Technical Committee.

More Definitions of Honorary Secretary

Honorary Secretary means any person appointed as such under Rule 16;
Honorary Secretary means the secretary of the Club appointed from time to time in accordance with these Articles
Honorary Secretary means the person elected from time to time to be the honorary secretary of the Association in accordance with Rule 5;
Honorary Secretary means the Honorary Secretary of the DPA. "Honorary Treasurer" means the Honorary Treasurer of the DPA.
Honorary Secretary means the Honorary Secretary referred to in paragraph 25, ee. ‘Honorary Treasurer’ means the Honorary Treasurer referred to in paragraph 28, ff. ‘Incorporations Act’ means the Associations Incorporation Act 1972,
Honorary Secretary means the person holding office under these rules as Honorary Secretary of the Association or if no such person holds that office the Public Officer of the Association.
Honorary Secretary means any person appointed by the Board to perform the role of a honorary secretary of the Company.