The Club definition
Examples of The Club in a sentence
The Club shall provide the City with certificate(s) of insurance showing the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective dates, and expiration dates of required policies prior to commencing work under this Agreement.
The Club shall adjust such policy or protocol to address any concerns raised by the Municipality.
The Club shall provide copies of additional insured endorsements or insurance policies, if requested by the City Risk Manager.
The Club does not guarantee that all of the parking lot spaces will be available, although Club procedures include a notice to DK Diner advising that the parking lot will be unavailable to their patrons on Member’s rental date.
The Club shall play all of its BallCorps Home Baseball Games at the Venue, provided, however, the Club may from time-to-time hold a game (not more than two per season) at the ballpark of its major league affiliate (“MLB Game”), as well as MLB Promotional Games such as “Rickwood” or “Field of Dreams” games (not more than one or two per season).