Horizon year definition

Horizon year means the final year of the twenty-year planning period.
Horizon year means the last year of a five (5) year projection period for need determinations.
Horizon year means the last year of the three-year projection period for need determinations for a new or expanded home health agency.

Examples of Horizon year in a sentence

  • The consultant shall prepare GIS based Comprehensive Drainage Master Plan with Horizon year 2050 in order address long term goal.

  • Horizon year is typically considered to be 20 years from the year construction is scheduled to begin.WSDOT policy on design year is intentionally flexible.

  • Customer shall not analyze or cause to be analyzed the deliverables provided pursuant to this Agreement for reverse engineering or to determine their physical or chemical properties, and shall not copy, decompile, or reverse engineer Software.

  • The Transit Planning Consistency will be scored on the following scale: 2nd Horizon Year MTP Project… 5 Points1st Horizon Year MTP Project / 1st Ten Years of Wake Transit Work Plan…10 Points Transit Infrastructure projects to existing facilities that are necessary for operational, safety or security improvement will be scored as 1st Horizon year projects.

  • The Roadway Planning Consistency will be scored on the following scale: 2nd Horizon Year Project … 5 Points1st Horizon Year Project … 10 PointsProjects considered operational or safety improvement projects will be scored as 1st Horizon year projects.

More Definitions of Horizon year

Horizon year means a year for which the transportation plan describes the envisioned transportation system according to NMAC.
Horizon year means the last year of a three-year projection period for need determinations for a personal care home.
Horizon year means the last year of the three-year projection period for need determinations for a nursing facility.
Horizon year means the last year of a five-year projection period for need determinations for any adult cardiac catheterization services.
Horizon year means a year for which the transportation plan or TIP describes the envisioned transportation system in accordance with rule 3745-101-05 of the Administrative Code.
Horizon year means a year for which the transportation plan or the transportation improvement plan describes the envisioned transportation system in accordance with 40 CFR 93.106.
Horizon year means a year for which the transportation plan describes the envisioned transportation system in accordance with R18-2-1406.