Examples of Horizontal component in a sentence
Surface wind/Horizontal wind ECV Horizontal component of 3D wind vector at 10 m above surface, expressed in polar (speed and direction) or Cartesian coordinates (North‑South and East‑West).
Determine the Horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field using Tangent law.2. Determine refractive index of a liquid using Newton’s rings.3. Design a tank circuit for a given resonance frequency and verify resonance principle.4. Determine the width of slit using single slit diffraction pattern.5. Determine dispersive power of liquids by using spectrometer and hallow prism.
Horizontal component of EM61-3D data taken over a 105 mm artillery shell at the York University Geophysical Test Site.
Horizontal component of partial-thickness tears of rotator cuff: imaging characteristics and comparison of ABER view with oblique coronal view at MR arthrography initial results.
Horizontal component of the velocity for a vertical SV wave at the 10 receivers given by the numerical Benchmark (Mg. 6 earthquake at a hypocentral distance of 20km of the basin).
Dashed lines represent 20, 30 and 40 km depth contours for the subducting Juan deFuca plate [2] 82.2 Horizontal component sections of two SVI LFE templates dis- playing north (blue) and east (red) components.
Horizontal component Vx near the upper surface of the MAX1 setup (red solid line) and MAX2 configuration (green dashed line).
Horizontal component predominate over vertical displacements for co-seismic motion.
Horizontal component of the turbulent velocity u(rms) versus Y averaged over Z for isothermal turbulence (red) and temperature stratified turbulence (blue).
In 2017 the UK government promised a UK Shared Prosperity Fund to replace the EU funds, a commitment repeated to Parliament several times and included in the Conservative manifesto for the 2019 general election.