Examples of Horizontal component in a sentence
Evaluation of new MF-AM licences near airports requires thorough awareness of frequencies in use in the area and analysis of the potential for receiver de-sensing and intermodulation along aircraft landing approaches.• The localiser (Horizontal) component of Instrument Landing Services (ILS) operates in the band 108 to 114 MHz at Whenuapai, Auckland, Ohakea, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin airports to facilitate aircraft landing in low cloud conditions.
R˜v(x, y)u = Rv(x, y)u + (1 − e2φ) AxA∗y − AyAx∗ u (1.27)R˜(x, y)u: Horizontal component.
Horizontal component of the velocity for a vertical SV wave at the 10 receivers given by the numerical Benchmark (Mg. 6 earthquake at a hypocentral distance of 20km of the basin).
M w is moment magnitude and MMI is Modified Mercalli Intensity.Authors Data set Intensity range of validity Horizontal component definitionTselentis & Danciu (2008) Greece (1973–1999)≤ ≤4 M w 6.9Wald et al.
Me−2φR˜h(x, u)y = Rh(x, u)y − gradg (φ), y A∗xu (1.24)− 2 gradgM (φ), x A∗yu + ⟨Axy, u⟩ gradgM (φ) R˜(u, x)v: Horizontal component.xe−2φR˜h(u, x)v = Rh(u, x)v − (1 − e2φ)A∗A∗vu (1.25)+ ⟨u, v⟩ gradgM (φ), x gradgM (φ)− ⟨x, σ(u, v)⟩ gradgM (φ) − gradgM (φ), x σ(u, v)+ ⟨u, v⟩ ∇xgradgM (φ) h R˜(u, v)x: Horizontal component.
Horizontal component of partial-thickness tears of rotator cuff: imaging characteristics and comparison of ABER view with oblique coronal view at MR arthrography initial results.
Horizontal component of gravity acting on the two masses causes a torque, and the horizontal beam is rotated until an equilibrium position with the restoring torque of the suspending torsion wire (having the torsion constant τ ) is reached.
Horizontal component of the electric field intensity obtained by applying Maxwell's equations.
Figure 5 : i) Horizontal component of the wave induced orbital velocity at 6 selected phase angles of the entire wave cycle, ii) Selected sound imaging of vortex generations and suspended sediment entrainment over a ripple under non-breaking regular waves for the depicted phases at the velocity panel (a).
Time histories for El Centro acceleration 1940: a) Horizontal component; b) Vertical component Figure 31.