Prepared food means the following:
Required form means in the form of mill product, such as bar, billet, wire, slab, plate, or sheet, and in the grade appropriate for the production of—
Covered foreign country means The People’s Republic of China. “Covered telecommunications equipment or services” means–
Non-Participating Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist means a Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual or “BMP Manual” means the manual maintained by the Department providing, in part, design specifications, removal rates, calculation methods, and soil testing procedures approved by the Department as being capable of contributing to the achievement of the stormwater management standards specified in this chapter. The BMP Manual is periodically amended by the Department as necessary to provide design specifications on additional best management practices and new information on already included practices reflecting the best available current information regarding the particular practice and the Department’s determination as to the ability of that best management practice to contribute to compliance with the standards contained in this chapter. Alternative stormwater management measures, removal rates, or calculation methods may be utilized, subject to any limitations specified in this chapter, provided the design engineer demonstrates to the municipality, in accordance with Section IV.F. of this ordinance and N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), that the proposed measure and its design will contribute to achievement of the design and performance standards established by this chapter.
Participating Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist means a Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Required Financial Statements has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 5.04(2).
Multiregional Modeling Working Group or “MMWG” shall mean the NERC working group that is charged with multi-regional modeling.
Health professional shortage area (HPSA) means an urban or
Single tomogram system means a CT x-ray system which obtains x-ray transmission data during a scan to produce a single tomogram.
Reliability Standards means the criteria, standards, rules and requirements relating to reliability established by a Standards Authority.
Clinical nurse specialist means a registered nurse with relevant post-basic qualifications and 12 months’ experience working in the clinical area of his/her specified post-basic qualification, or a minimum of four years’ post-basic registration experience, including three years’ experience in the relevant specialist field and who satisfies the local criteria.
Sustainability Structuring Agent means PNC Capital Markets LLC.
Categorical pretreatment standard means any national pretreatment standard specifying quantities or concentrations of pollutants or pollutant properties which may be discharged to a POTW by existing or new industrial users in specific industrial subcategories, promulgated by the administrator in accordance with section 307 of the act and established under 40 C.F.R. chapter I, subchapter N.
Accountant General means the officer of the National Treasury designated as the Accountant- General;
Specialty fertilizer means a fertilizer distributed primarily for nonfarm use.
Medical Specialist means any medical practitioner who is vocationally registered by the Medical Council under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 in one of the approved branches of medicine and who is employed in either that branch of medicine or in a similar capacity with minimal oversight.
Applicable water quality standards means all water quality standards to which a discharge is subject under the federal Clean Water Act and which has been (a) approved or permitted to remain in effect by the Administrator following submission to the Administrator pursuant to Section 303(a) of the Act, or (b) promulgated by the Director pursuant to Section 303(b) or 303(c) of the Act, and standards promulgated under (APCEC) Regulation No. 2, as amended.
Best Management Practices (BMPs means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage.
High Quality Short-Term Debt Instrument means any instrument having a maturity at issuance of less than 366 days and which is rated in one of the highest two rating categories by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Agency (Moody’s and S&P).
Non-Participating Certified Nurse-Midwife means a Certified Nurse-Midwife who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Availability Standards has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
High Quality Short-Term Debt Instruments means any instrument that has a maturity at issuance of less that 366 days and that is rated in one of the two highest rating categories by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization.
Participating Certified Nurse Practitioner means a Certified Nurse Practitioner who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Licensed Independent Practitioner means any individual permitted by law and by the Medical Staff and Board to provide care and services without direction or supervision, within the scope of the individual’s license and consistent with individually granted clinical privileges.
Accessibility Standards means accessibility standards and specifications for Texas agency and institution of higher education websites and EIR set forth in 1 TAC Chapter 206 and/or Chapter 213.